Civil War time line

  • Abraham Lincoln elected

    Abraham Lincoln elected
    On November 6th 1860 Abraham Lincoln is elected as our 16th president, an election most southerners despise. Regardless he won the election, winning by a landslide.
  • Period: to

    War Among Brothers

  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    After Lincoln is elected the South Carolina government formed together at Harpers Ferry to discuss independence. The night before chriistmas three comisioners discussed what to do with a new president, ultimatly secession.
  • Confederacy is formed

    Confederacy is formed
    On Febuary 4th 11 states formed together that broke from the union and formed their own government with Richmond Virginia as the capitol. Jefferson Davis would win the election as president of the Confederacy and their first attack would be ft. Sumter.
  • Lincoln First Inaugaration

    Lincoln First Inaugaration
    Since Lincolns election in november of 1860 seven states had left the union. Eager to unify Lincoln extends the olive branch to the south but enforces he will use federal law to the the states that seceded.
  • Attack on ft. Sumter

    Attack on ft. Sumter
    With eleven states seceded, a new country is born. Ft. Sumter is U.S. territory within the confederate state of South Carolina. General P.G.T. Beauregard of the confederacy opens fire on the garrison holding Ft. Sumter. At 2:30 pm on April 13th Major Robert Anderson Surrendered the fort.
  • Battle of Bull Run(1)

    Battle of Bull Run(1)
    First major land battle of the armies in Virginia. Under leadership of General Mcdowell, union forces march torward the confederates and attack. The rebels are pushed back but re soon aided by reinforcements. The Confederate army with the help of Thomason J. Jackson is able to defeat the union, wining the battle.
  • Battle of Shiloh begins

    Battle of Shiloh begins
    Shiloh, Tenneessee. General Albert Sidney Johnston and his 40,000 confederates attack unsuspecting union forces. During the battle Johnston is wounded and replaced by Beauregard. Fighting continues after dark. Fedrals will hold their own for the night.
  • Battle of Shiloh ends

    Battle of Shiloh ends
    The morning after the battle began fderal reinforcements number 40,000, outnumbering the confederates 30,000. the confederates are defeated and retreat. a total of 23,000 casulties is left. First major victory for the Unoin.
  • 7 Days Battle begins

    7 Days Battle begins
    Near Richmond, Virginia, George McClellan and his mighty army of the potomac faced against Lee and his army of northern Virginia. for Seven days brutal un restless fighting takes place. 125,000 union soldiers march against the rebels nearly two to one.
  • 7 Day Battle ends

    7 Day Battle ends
    The Battle is a confederate victory. General Robert E. Lee and his right hand man Thomas J. Jackson defeat the army of the potomac. The crushed McClellan is pushed back to Washington and Lees victory shows that it will be a tuff war, a war that will last 3 more years.
  • Battle of Bull Run(2) begins

    Battle of Bull Run(2) begins
    Prince William County, Virginia General Jackson of the confederates oders men to to fight to draw out union forces. General Pope of the union takes the bait and forces engage for several hours. On August 29th Pope sends the bulk of hs army against jackson but is repulsed by the rebels. both side suffer heavy casualties.
  • Bull Run(2) ends

    Bull Run(2) ends
    Unaware of General Longstreets presence, Pope sends troops to attack. Heavy artillery weakens the union forces and longstreet counter attacks with 28,000 soldiers. the union is pushed back to Bull Run but a reaguard position saves the event from being like the first.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Washington County, Maryland. George McClellan sends forces against Robert E. Lee. The battle becomes vicious. Soon major attacks from the union break through the center and right wing of the confederates. McClellan sends one more wave against the rebels at antietam creek. The victory is for the unions and gives Lincoln the oppertunity for emancipation of slaves.
  • Fredricksburg

    Fredricksburg Virginia. On November 14, Gen. Burnside sent forces to occupy the vicinity of Falmouth near Fredricksburg. Lee entrenched his army and waited. December 11th, Union engineers laid bridges across the Rappahannock under fire. 12th, Army crosses river. 13th Burnside sends attacks against rebels. 15th, burnside retreats. confederate victory
  • Fredricksburg Ends

    Fredricksburg Ends
  • Stones River

    Stones River
    Murfreesboro Tennessee.Gen. Rosecran fights agains Gen. Braxton Braggs. Braggs attacks first and polverizes union right flank. Jan 2nd Braggs orders Gen. John Beckinridge to charge. the charge is almost successful due to the unions use of artllery weaking cnfederates and forcing them to retreat.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Washington D.C. . Licolns final writings is given in a speech saying all slaves are free, producing moral for all african americans nation and confederate wide.
  • Stones River ends

    Stones River ends
  • Chancellorsville

    Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Gen. Joseph Hooker executes a crossing of the Rappahannock.this places the potomac at lees weak point. Lee attacks. May 1rst, Lee and Jackson concieve one of the boldest plays to war.. Jackson and 30,000 rebels would follow the union and attack thier flank. may 2nd, flanks is successful but stonewall is shot by his own men. 3rd, lee forces union to retreat.
  • Chancellorsville ends

    Chancellorsville ends
  • Vicksburg

    Warren County Mississippi. Gen. Grant converges on Vicksburg, entrapping confederates within. on july 4th the confederates surrender.this splits the confederacy in half and allows Grant to be appointed general in chief.
  • Gettysburg

    Adams County, pennsylvania. Gen. Lee waits for Gen. Meade. July 1rst, Union success is altered by confederate counter. 2nd, Lee flanks union leding to grissly fights. 3rd, union regains lost ground, Lee sends famous Picketts charge, failure.
  • Gettysburg ends

    Gettysburg ends
  • Vicksburg ends

    Vicksburg ends
  • Chickamauga

    Walker County Georgia. Gen. Rosecran plans to fight Braggs out of Chatanooga. Rosecran is sucesful but Braggs shows resistance. Gen. Longstreet shows with reinforcements Yankees flee to Chattanooga.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    Gettysburg Pennsylvania. Lincoln Speaks on behalf the casulties of the battle after being criticized be his political enemy McClellan.Ultimatly gets his win for reelection.
  • Chatanooga

    Chatanooga Tenessee. Grant lifts Seige of city by sending federal troops within the city. 23rd, the federals fight out. 24th, Grant launches attack on lookout Mt.. 25th, 3 attacks crush rebels and Confederates withdrew.
  • wilderness

    Spotsylvania Virginia. Potomac and Northern Army of Virginia clash in the dense woodland known as the wilderness. the battle is inconclsive. Grant marches to the courthouse were he is confronted b Lee
  • Spotsylvanis

    Spotsylvania Virgina. As Grant marched torward the courthouse lee got in front of him. the next 2 weeks saw the fiercest fighting of the civil war. in the end the winner was inconclusive.
  • Lincoln reelected

    Lincoln reelected
    Washington D.C. . Voters amke it clear they like the strategie Lincoln uses to fight.
  • Shermans march to the sea

    Shermans march to the sea
    Atlant Georgia. Sherman burns down atlanta and implemnts his total war strategie by destroying the surrounding landscape that could benifit the confederates
  • Franklin

    Gen. Hood leads 30,000 confederates to attack Schofield so he does not take nashville. an assault from hood is unleashed and Hoods suffers heavy losses.
  • Shermans march

    Shermans march
    Savanah Georgia. Shermans total war plan had worked. everyhting from atlanta to savanah was destroyed or made nuseable to the rebels.
  • Appomotox Courthouse

    Appomotox Courthouse
    Lee surenders to Grant. he was surrrounded and he rather surrender than have more deaths.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    Famous actor and confederate supporter John Wilkes Booth fatally wounds Lincoln.
  • Lincolns 2nd inaugeration

    Lincolns 2nd inaugeration
    Lincoln affirms that he will fix the union
  • End of war

    End of war
    Gen. Edmund is the last confederate to surrender.