
Civil War in the US and Texas

  • Election of Lincoln​

    Election of Lincoln​
    Lincoln won, but the election showed that the country was divided.No southern states voted for Lincoln. Some southerners said the federal government was too strong. They said tariffs and laws to limit slavery threatened states’ rights. Some chose secession to protect their right to enslave people. Lincoln Won
  • TX Secedes From Union

    TX Secedes From Union
    Discussion about the right of U.S. states to secede from the union was brought up by various factions in the country from shortly after the Revolutionary War until the Civil War.
    The United States Constitution includes providing for a right to secede, nor specific language prohibiting secession.The argument in favor of the right to secede relies on the assertion.That each state was independent and sovereign before the ratification of the Constitution and that each state.
  • Houston Kicked Out of Office

    Houston Kicked Out of Office
    After Texas was annexed to the United States, Sam served a US Senator from Texas. During his term, Houston decided to run for the governor's seat. He won and tried to keep Texas from seceding from the Union. He failed, and when Texas did secede. Houston was thrown out of office because he refused to pledge allegence to the Confederate States of America.
  • Battle at Fort Battle Sumter​​

    Battle at Fort Battle Sumter​​
    On April 12, 1861, General P.G.T. Beauregard, in command of the Confederate forces around Charleston Harbor. He opened fire on the Union garrison holding Fort Sumter. At 2:30pm on April 13 Major Robert Anderson, garrison commander, surrendered the fort.Then evacuated the next day. The confederates won, Death on confederate side Zero, Death on union side Zero.
  • Battle of Galveston

    Battle of Galveston
    At 3:00 am on New Year’s Day, 1863, four Confederate gunboats appeared. Coming down the bay toward Galveston. Soon afterward, the Rebels commenced a land attack. The Union forces in Galveston were three companies under the command of Col. Isaac S. Burrell. They also took Harriet Lane, by boarding her, and two barks and a schooner. Confederates won Death on confederates 50 Deaths on union side 600
  • Period: to

    Battle of Gettysburg

  • Battle of Sabine Pass​​

    Battle of Sabine Pass​​
    About 6:00 am on the morning of September 8, 1863, a Union flotilla of four gunboats and seven troop transports steamed into Sabine Pass.As the gunboats approached Fort Griffin, they came under accurate fire from six cannons.To break the day-to-day monotony, the gunners practiced firing artillery at range markers placed in the river. Fort Griffin’s small force of 44 men, under command of Lt. Richard W. ,forced the Union flotilla to retire. The union won Deaths
  • Period: to

    Red River Campaign​​

  • End of Civil War​​​

    End of Civil War​​​
    While the Revolution of 1776-1783 created the United States. The Civil War of 1861-1865 determined what kind of nation it would be.The war resolved two fundamental questions. Left unresolved by the revolution: whether the United States was to be a dissolvable confederation of sovereign states or an indivisible nation with a sovereign national government.
  • Battle of Palmito Ranch​​

    Battle of Palmito Ranch​​
    In spite of this agreement, Col. Theodore H. Barrett, commanding forces at Brazos Santiago, Texas, dispatched an expedition. Composed of 250 men. Of the 62nd U.S. Colored Infantry Regiment and 50 men of the 2nd Texas the mainland, on May 11, 1865, to attack reported Rebel outposts and camps. Prohibited by foul weather from crossing.
  • Juneteenth​​​

    is a holiday in the United States that commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery in the U.S. state of Texas in June 1865.More generally the emancipation of African-American slaves throughout the Confederate South. Celebrated on June 19, the term is a portmanteau of June and nineteenth.[1][2] and is recognized as a state holiday or special day of observance in most states.
  • Reconstruction Ends​​

    Reconstruction Ends​​
    In 1867, the political battle between President Johnson and Congress over southern Reconstruction came to a confrontation. The Radical Republicans in Congress were not content. With curbing Johnson’s authority by overriding his vetoes.They wanted to remove him altogether. Under the laws of the time, removing Johnson meant that Ben Wade, the president pro tempore of the Senate, would become president.