Civil War in the US and Texas

  • Election of Lincoln

    Election of Lincoln
    On this day Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 election. The reason why Lincoln won the election is because the Democrats were split into two. The reason being is that there were Democrats in the north and Democrats in the south. The north was anti-slavery and the south was pro-slavery.
  • Texas Secedes From the Union

    Texas Secedes From the Union
    In Texas, Sam Houston was governer and was a democrat. Houston was still a democrat but he wanted to be apart of the union because he knew if the north and the south went to battle the north would win. But everybody in Texas wanted to be apart of the confederate states, so Houston was forced out of office and Texas became a confederate state.
  • Houston Kicked Out of Office

    Houston Kicked Out of Office
    Sam Houston was the governer of Texas. Houston was a slave owner, but he wanted to still be apart of the union. The reason being is because if the north and the south went to battle the north would win. The north had a bigger population, and they had a lot of factories to make weapons, ammunition, and goods. They also had a lot of train tracks to transport the goods quickly. But the people of Texas wanted to become apart of the confederate states. So in the end, Houston was kicked out of office.
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    On April 10, 1861, Brig. Gen. Beauregard, in command of the Confederate forces at Charleston, South Carolina, demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. Garrison commander Anderson refused. On April 12, Confederate batteries opened fire on the fort, which was unable to reply effectively. The confederates had won the battle.
  • Battle at Galveston

    Battle at Galveston
    In the early hours of the day, the confederates move through the shadows. They approach the harbor and open fire on the union troops. Confederate infantry moved into the city under the cover of darkness, taking advantage of the Federal troops’ habit of barricading themselves on the wharves at night, while converted riverboats mounting cannon and piled high with cotton bales attacked the naval vessels in the harbor. The attack ended with an almost complete Confederate victory. Harriet Lane and th
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    On July 1, Confederate forces converged on the town from west and north, driving Union defenders back through the streets to Cemetery Hill. During the night, reinforcements arrived for both sides. On July 2, Lee attempted to envelop the Federals, first striking the Union. During the morning of July 3, the Confederate infantry were driven back. In the afternoon, after a preliminary artillery bombardment, Lee attacked the Union center on Cemetery Ridge. But the union comes away with the win.
  • Battle of Sabine Pass

    Battle of Sabine Pass
    This battle was fought on the sea with stemboats or cottonclads. The person that was leading the attack was a saloon-keeper Dick Dowling. And the person taht lead the union was Lieutenant Frederick Crocker. The union had about 5,000 soldiers and four gunboats. The objective of the attack was the stop of trade for the confederates and to create a blockade. The confederates thouh had sharpshooters handling the cannons during the battle and swiftly took down all the gunboats.
  • Red River Campaign

    Red River Campaign
    On April 8, Banks’s men approached, driving Confederate cavalry before them. For the rest of the morning, the Federals probed the Rebel lines. In late afternoon, Taylor, though outnumbered, decided to attack. His men made a determined assault on both flanks, rolling up one and then another of Banks’s divisions. Finally, about three miles from the original contact, a third Union division met Taylor’s attack and halted it after more than an hour's fighting. Taylor then retreated back.
  • End of Civil War

    End of Civil War
    At the end of the Civil War, the Union had won. Then Lincoln let the slaves free. Well not every slave. This war had a big impact on what the U.S. is today, because if the Confederates then the U.S. would have been split into two sperate countries.
  • Battle of Palmito Ranch

    Battle of Palmito Ranch
    On May 12-13 the Battle of Palmito Ranch was fought and won by the confederates in south Texas. This was the last major clash of arms in the Civil War, occurring even though the war was technically over. On the first day the Union evacuated under pressure, but returned the following morning moving toward their destination of Palmito Ranch. On the second day the confederates had won the battle. There were 118 Union casualties and no confederate.
  • Juneteenth

    For over 100 years African Americans in Texas and all over the country have been celebrating a special holiday--Juneteenth. The celebration of freedom is what Juneteenth is all about. Juneteenth, or June 19, 1865 marks the date when many of slaves in the state of Texas learned that they had been freed.
  • Reconstruction Ends

    Reconstruction Ends
    Reconstruction, one of the most controversial eras in American history, began during the Civil War and ended in 1877. It witnessed America's first experiment in democracy. Just as the fate of slavery was central to the meaning of the Civil War, so the divisive politics of Reconstruction turned on the status the former slaves would assume in the reunited nation. Reconstruction remains relevant today because the issues central to it -- the role of the federal government.