civil war event timeline

  • Missouri Compromise

    the Missouri Compromise created an imbalance between the number of free and slave states until the admission of maine as an anti-slave state. after becoming a pro slaver state it allowed for an imaginary line to be drawn dividing the former Louisiana territory into pro and anti slavery division.
  • Compromise of 1850

    the compromise of 1850 allowed the United States to expand its territory by accepting California as a state. A territory rich in gold, agricultural products and other natural resources would create wealth and enrich the country as a whole.
  • Election of 1860

    the election of 1860 was the election of Abraham Lincoln, Southerners feared that his election would lead to its demise, and vowed to leave the Union if he was elected. so the election of Lincoln lead to the south and slavery being eliminated.
  • Period: to

    abraham lincoln

    abraham Lincoln
  • Battle of Antietam

    the Battle of Antietam was a union victory to break the confederate win streak and push the confederates away from the north. the battle also allowed for president Lincoln to pass the emancipation proclamation. the 23,000 deaths in just the one day made it the bloodiest day in american history.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    the battle of gettysburg was the turning point of the civil war. the battle stopped the south from invading the union and taking the battle to union soil. the battle was the bloodiest battle ever.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation led the way to total abolition of slavery in the United States. With the Emancipation Proclamation, the aim of the war changed to include the freeing of slaves in addition to preserving the Union.