civil war

  • Missouri comprise

    The Union wanted to add Maine in as a free state but the confederacy wanted to add Missouri. Since both sides had added a new state it just caused more chaos for both sides,leading to an assist with the civil war.
  • slavery

    James Oglethorpe wasn't opposed to slavery but they banned it in GA.that law was ignored later ending for GA to have slaves. then after that Ga having slaves and having a lot of farming may have helped cause the civil war.
  • Gettysburg

    Gettysburg was the bloodiest 3 day battle in the civil war. The union had won the battle but many had died. It last from july 1, 1863 to july 3 1863.
  • Andersonville

    This was a pision was camp ruled by confederate forces that held union forces. This prison had a creek go through it that eventually turned brown because of all the waste in it.
  • KKK

    The KKK is a cult that has terrorized the black community since they have been free. They would also murder mutilate and abuse blacks. Its still around today.