civil rights

  • 24th amendment

    24th amendment
    constitution of united states or America 1789 ended mandatory poll taxes that prevented many African americans.
  • plessy v. ferguson

    plessy v. ferguson
    plessy v. ferguson was about blacks and whites and making each other equal.
  • National Association for the Advancement of color people (NAACP)

    This was one for the first civil rights organization.
  • race roits

    in lake Michigan a African-American teenager drowned after a beating from a group of white men. end of the event 15 white men died and 23 blacks died and more than 500 were injured.
  • De jure vs. De Facto segregation

    its segregation by law and segregation by custom
  • brown v. board of education of topeka

    this is where the supreme court announced that blacks and whites are separated for school and education.
  • little rock school intergration

    little rock school intergration
    nine black students was enrolled in to a all-white people school called the central high school little rock. and at the end th "little rock nine" started their first full day at school.
  • rosa parks

    rosa parks
    rosa parks was famous for refusing to leave her seat after a white man told her to.
  • emmett till

    emmett till
    he was a 14 year old boy who was brutally murdered for flirting with a white girl.
  • montgomery bus boycott

    montgomery bus boycott
    African American people refuse to rid the Montgomery bus boycott. before this happened rosa parks was a women that refused her seat for a white man.
  • the sit-ins

    early in 1960's African americans at collage protested in the lunch area in Greensboro, they got arrested for disturbing the peace and trespassing.
  • freedom rides

    600 white men angry attacked at bus, as they were smashing windows to tossing a fire bomb. people were trying to provoke violence reaction that would convince the law to do something about it.
  • thurgood marshall

    thurgood marshall
    he was civil rights and U.S supreme court advocate.
  • march on birminham, alabama

    march on birminham, alabama
    they finally removed the "white-only" and "black-only" signs from the bathroom and water fountains.
  • march on washington

    this was one of the most important event in history,it was the martain luther king speech "I have a dream speech"
  • civil rights act of 1964

    blacks were finally allowed to go in any public places schools, restraints, stores and also voting rights.
  • march from selma to montgomery for voting rights

    martin luther king was leading thousands of noviolant demonsratators to the steps of Montgomery.
  • voting rights act of 1965

    president Lyndon Johnson was allowing for African americans to vote under the 15 amendment.
  • Black Panther Party

    it was the black political organization
  • Dr. Martain luther kings jr

    Dr. Martain luther kings jr
    he was another famous person because he read he speech called "i have a dream"
  • malcolm X

    malcolm X
    he was arrested for burglary at age 2. he spoke for all the poor treated black people.