Chpt 21 Economic Advance and Social Unrest

  • Saint-Simon dies

  • Period: to


  • London Police Force Created

  • French population boom part 1

    By this time the French population had reached 32.5 million people.
  • French Railways Begin

    While the French began to build railways in 1832 real constructuon started to take off in the late 1840's.
  • English Factory Act

    The act forbids the employment of children under the age of nine in a factory and limited the hours of work from ages 9-13 to nine hours. It also required the owners of the factory to pay for at least two hours of schooling a day.
  • Zollverein

    All the German states except Austria formed a free trade union.
  • German Railways Begin

    By the 1850's over 5000 kilomneters of rail has been laid.
  • London Working Men's Association

    William Lovet creats the LWMA under the idea of Chartism, in 1838 they issued a Charter to Parliament demanding six reforms.
  • Louis Blanc publishes The Organazation of Labor

  • Louse Aston

    Louise Aston a German radical published a poem about the plight of factory workers in Silesia.
  • Irish Potato Famine Begins

    A fungus infects the major varities of potatos causeing the crops to fail, over 1 million had starved to death or emmigrated.
  • Repealing of the Corn Laws

  • Poor French food harvests

  • Emancipation of Serfs in Austria

  • Chartist Demonstrations begin to end

  • Karl Marx publishes The Communist Manifesto

  • Hungarian (Magya) Revolts begin

  • French Government forbides banquets

  • French workers march through the streets demanding reform

  • Louis Philippe abdicates

  • Czech revolts begin

  • Revolts and Demonstrations begin in Berlin

  • Count Pelligirno Rossi assassinated

  • European Railways

    Britian had over 9500 kilometers of lines and France nearly 3000. (Germany has already been put up.)
  • Revision of the Prussian Constitution

  • French Population Boom part 2

    In 20 years the French grew from 32.5 million to 35.8 million people.
  • Period: to

    Chpt 22 (not there yet but hey who's counting)

  • Great Exhibiton in London

    The exhibtion was held to show the progress in the Brisith Empire in industry and commerce.
  • Emancipation of serfs in Russia