Children's Literature Over the Centuries

  • 150

    Ancient Greeks 150 BCE-476 CE

    Ancient Greeks 150 BCE-476 CE
    Examples: The Iliad (based on the Trojan War), The Odessy, The Children's Homer, and the creation of some of the world's first superheros.
  • 476

    The Middle Ages 476-1450 CE

    The Middle Ages 476-1450 CE
    Began around the time of the fall of the Roman Empire. Many Biblical stories such as Adam & Eve, Noah's flood, and David & Goliath. Focused on many heros. Also had stories of adventures. Examples: King Arthur; Beowolf
  • Jan 1, 1400

    The Renaissance 1400's-1700's

    The Renaissance 1400's-1700's
    People began to become more literate. This was knowns as the flowering of European culture. There were few books for children. Examples of books: Robinson Crusoe, The Pilgrims' Progress, and New England Primer.
  • The Eighteenth Centure Moral Writers-1700's

    Children's books became more popular and books about rearing and teaching children also became more popular. Examples: Thoughts Concerning Education; Emile; A Little Pretty Pocket Book
  • The Rise of Folktales 1729-1800's

    Revived from the fading oral tradition. Examples: Tales from the Arabian Nights; Tales of Mother Goose; The Red Fairy Book.
  • The Victorian Golden Age-1800's

    MAny adventure stories. Examples: Alices Adventures in Wonderland; Through the Looking Glass; The Coral Island.
  • The Early Twentieth Century-1900's

    Fantasies. Examples: Peter Pan; The Wind in the Willows; Caddie Woodlawn
  • The Late Twentieth Century and Beyond-1940's-Present

    TAdventures, survival of the fitest, drugs, and war are just some examples of story types. Examples: The Chronicle's of Narnia; Catcher in the Rye; Book of Nonsense; The Hunger Games.