Chicano/Latino Rights Movement

  • Reies Lopez Tijerina

    Reies Lopez Tijerina
    Born: September 21, 1926
    Education: High school drop out due to the demand for cotton going down and left his family in profound debt. Tijerina, a former a Pentecostal Pastor, was an activist who led the land-grant movement in New Mexico from 1956 until 1967. He organized hundreds of Chicanos to demand reparation of the land taken away by Angelo assessors of land in the violation of 1848 Treaty Guadalupe Idalgo.
  • Mendez V Westminster

    Mendez V Westminster
    What caused it?
    When Silvia Mendez and her two brothers wanted to enroll in 17th Street School in Westminster, they were told that the half Mexican, light skin children hs to enroll at the ¨white¨ and the dark skin children with Mexican last names had to enroll at the ¨Mexican¨ school that was 10 blocks away. The Mendez V Westminster brought an end to school segregation in Orange county and eventually was also aproved thought the state and nation.
  • The American GI forum in 1948

    The American GI forum in 1948
    When Cr. Perez Garcia came back from the war, proud of his accomplishments and excited to participate in the American Dream, he encountered a prejudice which led to overcome those injustice acts. The American GI forum was an organization that inspired respect and patriotic and held overcome many barriers which many Hispanic American faced in a country that embrace the principle of liberty and justice but was only offered to some. This leadership led to many awards from presidents of the US.
  • Biggest Accomplishments

    Biggest Accomplishments
    Latino and Hispanic activists also encouraged and demanded educational systems to include contributions of Latinos and Hispanics as part of the US History lessons. Due to this in 1960 to this many Latino-American and Mexican-American history departments opened at many major universities.
  • Cesar Chavez funds the National Farm Workers

    Cesar Chavez funds the National Farm Workers
    What caused it?
    As a teenager, César personally experienced the working conditions of migrant workers. He saw the desperation in the migratory camps, witnessed the exploitation of agricultural workers, had to survive with scarce wages and experienced the most appalling racism. He spent the rest of his life fighting that situation and that way of living. The union that since 1964 grouped migrant day laborers, mostly of Hispanic origin, to fight for the improvement of their working conditions.
  • Reagan passes the Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Reagan passes the Immigration Reform and Control Act
    Raegan on the of November reformed the law of immigration of the US. These laws required for employees to be investigated for their immigration status which made illegal to hire or recruit illegal immegrants.
  • Obama's Executive Order: DACA

    Obama's Executive Order: DACA
    What caused it? Students and parents wanted to a way to have a status to be able to work and study in a legal way in the US. DACA was an executive action by former president Barack Obama. This allowed undocumented immigrants to apply for the protection against deportation. Only those who came to the US under the age of sixteen are legible for this. Not only are they protected against deportation but it also gives them the permit to study and work in the US.
  • Continued Problems

    Continued Problems
    Today Latinos/Chicanos continue to deal with discrimination though it is now banned, this has been a problem for a long time. In some cases justice has been served but in others, innocent lives have been taken away. Legally, some immigrants are still trying to find a way to work and study in the US without the fear of deporatation.