
Charles Darwin 1809-1882

By Nlundin
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    Life to Death

    Charles Darwin was born in Shropshire England. He suffered from heart and chest problems, known as angina, in the later years of his life. In the month before his death he had a seizure and then in April died of a heart attack.
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    Beagle Voyage

    Darwins Voyage on the Beagle allowed him to gain an understanding of the various aspects of wildlife and fossils in South America. This proved to be the foundation for his later book, On the Origin of Species. During his voyage Darwin wrote extensively in his diary and Cataloged over 5,000 animal skins, bones and fossils on close to 1750 pages.
  • Journey to the Galapagos

    Journey to the Galapagos
    Darwin's visit to the Galapagos is the one event that caused him to connect the dots for his theory of evolution. He first noticed the birds on the island had slight variations for the various tasks that they accomplished. In this discovery Darwin was able to look back at his notes across his voyage as well as gather information from his crew mates to compose his theory of natural selection.
  • Summary of origin of Species

    Charles Darwin's work Has led to much controversy over the years on what he truly meant when talking about "survival of the Fittest" This video gives a concise summary in the hopes of dispelling any myths and misunderstandings.
  • On The Origin of Species

    On The Origin of Species
    This is Arguably Charles Darwin's most notable contribution to science and the way we think about the world. On the Origin of Species was the paradigm shift in how species developed in the natural world. It argued against the teachings of the christian church that animals were simply designed by god and placed there, and instead proposed the idea of natural selection. MLA Citation
    Keller, Michael, et al. Charles Darwins On the Origins of Species. Rodale, 2010.