Chapter 3 Timeline

  • Monroe Doctrine

    This was a doctrine made by President Monroe about how we can’t have foreign nations tell western people what to do.
  • United States purchases Alaska form Russia

    This is where America paid Russia to own the Alaskan territory
  • Midway Islands annexed by U.S.

    This is we’re the U.S. now owns the Midway Islands but they are not considered a state.
  • U.S. tariffs cause Hawaiian Sugar Cane prices to rise

    Because of all of the tariffs the U.S. is making, sugar then costs more because the Hawaiians had to make money.
  • Grover Cleveland elected President (2nd time)

    Grover Cleveland was the first President to have 2 terms but not in a row.
  • Period: to

    American Economic Depression of 1893

    This started because Reading Railroad and another company broke down and then their was a panic in stock market for 4 years.
  • Cuban separatists revolt against Spanish rule

    This happened because Spain would not let Cuba be free so a war started and the U.S. intervened to help the Cubans win the war.
  • Spain institutes reconcentration on Cubans

    This is basically Spain’s version of concentration camps but not even close to as bad but had the same reason to not let them leave to go help in the War.
  • Philippine (Filipino) Rebels revolt Against Spain

    This is another revolt and started a war that US helped but they ended up loosing
  • President McKinley elected to First Term

    This is were he won over Cleveland for McKinley’s first term and Cleveland lost to go onto his 2nd term
  • President McKinley send USS Maine to Havana with Spain’s permission

    This is important because we got permission to do it instead of just doing it because we want to
  • De Lôme Letter

    This is a letter by De Lomé about Spain in Cuba and president McKinley.
  • U.S. annexes Hawaii

    This is where the U.S. now says that Hawaii in now there but is not a state yet.
  • Spanish-American war begin

    This war was started because of the USS Maine exploding in Cuba which was occupied by Spain.
  • U.S. capture Philippines from Spain

    This was when Spain gave the Philippines to the U.S. even though the Philippians had signed a Declaration of Independence
  • Teller Amendment passed

    This was a amendment to help the U.S. military when they had troops in Cuba to help Cuba get their Independence
  • Equiano Aguinaldo captured by U.S. forces in Philippines

    He was captured during the war between U.S. and Philippians because he was the president of the Philippians
  • China divided into spheres of influence

    This is where different countries had possession of U.S. ports instead of China.
  • Open Door Policy

    This is where trade form China was open to all countries so that everyone could get the goods.
  • Boxer Rebellion in China

    This was a uprising in China where people didn’t like that they were being influenced by western parties as well as Japan.
  • President McKinley re-elected to second term

    This is important because he was re-elected was a big part of U.S. involvement in China.
  • Foraker Act

    This is where U.S. owned Puerto Rico but put in place a citizen run government instead of a U.S. government.
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

    This is significant because he was a president that focused on trusts and breaking up big businesses.
  • Platt Amendment

    This was a amendment that stated what the purpose and role of the U.S. army is in Cuba and the Caribbean.
  • Hay-Bunau-Varllia Treaty

    This was a treaty that allowed the U.S. to build a canal in Panama.
  • Roosevelt Corallary

    This was a declaration by Roosevelt that stated that he wanted to intervene in all Latin American affairs that European countries are in.