
Chapter 10 Jacksonian Era

  • “Tariff of Abominations” goes into effect

    “Tariff of Abominations” goes into effect
    The tariff sought to protect northern and western agricultural products from competition with foreign imports; however, the resulting tax on foreign goods would raise the cost of living in the South and would cut into the profits of New England's industrialists.
  • Congress passes the Indian Removal Act

    Congress passes the Indian Removal Act
    In 1830 Congress, urged on by President Andrew Jackson, passed the Indian Removal Act which gave the federal government the power to relocate any Native Americans in the east to territory that was west of the Mississippi River.
  • Supreme Court issues Cherokee Nation v. Georgia decision

    Supreme Court issues Cherokee Nation v. Georgia decision
    The United States Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee Nation did not maintain original jurisdiction in the legal matter. The United States Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee Nation was a dependent nation with the United States
  • Supreme Court issues Worcester v. Georgia decision

    Supreme Court issues Worcester v. Georgia decision
    The impact of the Worcester v Georgia case was the oppression of the Native Americans by the federal government. The state of Georgia had set laws to protect the territory of the Cherokee tribes, but the verdict of the court case didn't allow them
  • Congress passes the Force Bill, authorizing military force in South Carolina

    Congress passes the Force Bill, authorizing military force in South Carolina
    The Force Bill authorized President Andrew Jackson to use military power to force South Carolina to collect customs duties in the state. But the Force Bill also offered a compromise to defuse the situation, by passing a lower federal tariff in 1833.
  • Democratic candidate Martin Van Buren is elected president

    Democratic candidate Martin Van Buren is elected president
    President Jackson rewarded Van Buren by appointing him Secretary of State; Vice President Calhoun, as President of the Senate, cast the deciding vote against the appointment–and made a martyr of Van Buren. The “Little Magician” was elected Vice President on the Jacksonian ticket in 1832, and won the Presidency in 1836.
  • Financial panic deflates the economy

    Financial panic deflates the economy
    The Panic of 1837 was a financial crisis in the United States that touched off a major recession that lasted until the mid-1840s. Profits, prices, and wages went down while unemployment went up. The years 1837 to 1844 were, generally speaking, years of deflation in wages and prices.
  • Eastern Indians are forced west on the Trail of Tears

    Eastern Indians are forced west on the Trail of Tears
    Trail of Tears, in U.S. history, the forced relocation during the 1830s of Eastern Woodlands Indians of the Southeast region of the United States (including Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole, among other nations) to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River.
  • Independent Treasury Established

    Independent Treasury Established
    .In 1840 legislation for an independent treasury was passed and approved by the President; however, the following year the Whigs repealed the law. The intention of the Whigs was to establish a new central bank, but the objections of President John Tyler on constitutional grounds prevented the creation of another Bank of the United States. The Democrats won the presidential election of 1844, and measures were inaugurated to restore the Independent Treasury System.