Cell theory timeline by jacob glass

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    Aristotle's major biological works, including On the Generation of Animals, raised fundamental questions about reproduction, development, and heredity. By recognizing the value of studying organisms , Aristotle started an approach to philosophy and biology.
  • Zacharias Jansen invented the first microscope

    Zacharias Jansen invented the first microscope
    The invention of the micropscope made it possipble to view cells.
  • Robert Hooke sees cells in cork

    Robert Hooke sees cells in cork
    Robert was the first to discover cells in a thin sliver of cork and descrbed them as cells.
  • Van helmost describes spontanious generation of mice

    Van helmost describes spontanious generation of mice
    Van helmont agued against cell theory and was a suporter of spontanious generation and this delays the development of the cell theory
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek sights bacteria

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek sights bacteria
    Anoton was the first to see and describe bacteria in a microscope
  • lorenz oken

    lorenz oken
    He believed that there were tiny units of life called infusoria that make up the human skin, bones, and organs.
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown
    Robert brown first looks at and discovers the necleus of a cell.
  • Theodor Schwann observed that all livng organisnms are made of cells

    Theodor Schwann observed that all livng organisnms are made of cells
    This prooves that animals come from other animals.
  • Mattias Schleiden helped created the cell theory

    Mattias Schleiden helped created the cell theory
    believed that all animals where madde of one or more cells just as Theodor Schwann also did.
  • Albrecht von Roelliker

    Albrecht von Roelliker
    Albrecht von Roelliker discovered that sperm and eggs where also cells.
  • Rudeolf Virchow determines all cells come from other cells

    Rudeolf Virchow determines all cells come from other cells
    Rudeolf determined that every cell has been created from another cell through cell division. also observed that disease come from changed or mutaded cells.
  • Louis Pasteur determines air spoiles food

    Louis Pasteur determines air spoiles food
    Louis Pasteur did an experiment that determined that soup exposed to air only spoiled if the air was not filtered or if the flask containing the soup had an opening that allowed micro organisms to get to the soup and determined and created pasturization