
Cell Theory

  • Zacharias Jansen inventing first compund microscope

    Zacharias Jansen inventing first compund microscope
    Without the microscope people would never be able to see cells.
  • Jan Baptist van Helmont discrete gases and identified carbon dioxide.

    Jan Baptist van Helmont  discrete gases and identified carbon dioxide.
    Without this people would be able to identify carbon dioxide
  • Robert Hooke the construct of the Baylean air pump

    Robert Hooke the construct of the Baylean air pump
    Without the air pump people wouldn't be able to pump air
  • Robert Hooke construct of Law of Elasticity

    Robert Hooke construct of Law of Elasticity
    Law of Elasticity states that the stretching of a solid body is proportional to the force applied to it. Without this people wouldn't be able to study the stress and strain and understanding of elastic material.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek first to observe bacteria and protozoa

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek first to observe bacteria and protozoa
    Without his observations doctors wouldn't be able to view bacteria and protozoa
  • Robert Brown the cell nucleus in cell of the orchis

    Robert Brown the cell nucleus in cell of the orchis
    Wouldn't be able to examine cell nucleus
  • Theodor Schwann of animal structure

    Theodor Schwann of animal structure
    Without this we wouldn't be able to examine the structures of animals.
  • Matthias Schleiden cell theory

    Matthias Schleiden cell theory
    wouldn't be able to examine cell theory
  • Albrecht von Roelliker realized sperm cells and egg cells are also cells

    Albrecht von Roelliker realized sperm cells and egg cells are also cells
    wouldn't know what caused reproduction.
  • Louis Pasteur microbiology

    Louis Pasteur microbiology
    Discovered microgranisms cause fermentation and disease originated the process of the pasteurization.
  • Rudolf Virchow Cell Theory

    Rudolf Virchow Cell Theory
    Wouldn't be able to explain the effects of disease in the organs or tissues in general, but primarily in their individual cells.
  • Aristotle author of a philosophical and scietific system that became the framework and vehicle

    Aristotle author of a philosophical and scietific system that became the framework and vehicle
    wouldn't be able to work vehicles
  • Lorenz Oken significance of life

    Lorenz Oken significance of life
    Which they believed to be derived from a vital force that could not be understood totally through scientific means