Animal vs plant cell

Oliver Day Cell Theory Assignment

  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke
    Robert Hooke contributed to cell theory when he discovered cells. He discovered them when he used a compound microscope on a cork slice. His model was the first model so really it didnt disprove anything but instead set a basis for future models.
  • Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek

    Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
    Leeuwenhoek contributed to the cell theory when he was the first to see living cells. He made this discovery while he was looking at a sample of pond water under a microscope with lenses he made. His model disproved the previous model because he included the protoza and bacteria which was absent in Hooke's model.
  • Robert Brown

    Robert Brown
    Brown contributed to the cell theory when he discovered that plant cells contained a nucleus. He made this discovery while he was observing the epidermis of a collection of orchids he had. His model disproved Leeuwenhoek's due to the fact that Brown's included a nucleus which was absent in the previous models of the plant cell.
  • Matthias Jakob Schleiden

    Matthias Jakob Schleiden
    Schleiden contributed to the cell theory when he proposed the idea that all plant tissues are composed of cells and that the cell is the basic foundations of all plants. He made this discovery while he was eating dinner and discussing cell theory with Schwann. This was more of just a proposal of an idea and if there was a model it would be the same as the previous model due to the fact that he wasn't adding anything to the cell.
  • Theodore Schwann

    Theodore Schwann
    Schwann contributed to the cell theory when he discovered that plants are not the only ones that contain cells and that animal tissue is also composed of cells. He discovered this while he was talking with Schleiden . His model disproved past models of the cell due to the fact that they where limited to the plant cell and he now saw that the animal cell has a different structure than the plant cell.
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow
    Virchow contributed to the cell theory when he created a third part of cell theory that stated all cells developed from existing cells. He made this discovery when he was examining cells for changes ir alterations. This was also just another statement and didn't add anything to the plant or animal cells other than the fact they develop from existing cells.