Causes of the War of 1812

  • Impressment

    Britain and France were at war. They attacked any ships that tried to trade with their enemy. During that war, British sailors often deserted (ran away) to American vessels. Britain tried to solve this problem by impressment, a legalized form of kidnapping that forced people into military service. Britain stopped American ships to search for deserters and often impressed (took) American sailors. America looked weak because they couldn't defend their sailors
  • Attack on the Chesapeake

    Attack on the Chesapeake
    In June 1807, the British warship "Leopard" tried to stop the American ship "USS Chesapeake". When the Chesapeake's captain refused to stop, the Leopard opened fire and killed three Americans. The British then seized (impressed) four American sailors. This caused many Americans wanted to go to war with Britain.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    Instead of going to war after the Attack on the Chesapeake, Jefferson asked Congress to pass the Embargo Act of 1807, ending all trade between the United States and Europe. The embargo wound up hurting the United States and its merchants far more than it hurt France or Britain, so America eventually got rid of it. Image shows the Embargo (the turtle) holding back an American merchant.
  • Macon's Bill Number Two

    Macon’s Bill Number Two reopened trade between America and Europe. America made a deal - if Britain lifted their restrictions on trade with America, America would stop trading with France. If France lifted their restrictions, America would stop trading with Britain. Only France lifted their restrictions.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    Tecumseh, a Native American leader, led a Native American resistance against Americans in the west (Indiana). He was angry that Americans were moving onto Native American lands. Tecumseh lost the battle and fled to British Canada. Americans realized the Native Americans were fighting with British guns. This upset many Americans because it looked like Britain was preparing to attack America.
  • America Declares War on Britain

    America Declares War on Britain
    America declared war on Britain in 1812. This was a response to Britain's continued attacks on American ships and the fact that they supplied guns to the Native Americans. America could not afford to be pushed around like this, or else no one would take America seriously.