Causes of the Civil Wat

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Who: Henry Clay,Daniel Webster, and John C. Calhoun
    What:A debate of the spread of slavery
    When: n 1850
    Where:California,Texas,New Mexico, and Washington
    Outcome:California is admitted as a free state,slave trade wasnt allowed in Washington D.C,Texas loses boundary dispute with New Mexico,slavery can be allowed in Utah or New Mexico Territories,slaveholding permitted in Washington D.C, Texas gets $10 million, and fugitive slave laws.
    Signifigance:The U.S. gets more land and abolitionists are mad
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    Who: Slaves and slave owners
    What: A law that had allowed slave hunters to be able to capture escaped slaves.
    When: Seotember 18,1850
    Where: In the nothern part of the US
    Outcome: It had made the lives for Blacks harder if they lived in the north.
    Signifigance: This was important because it had made abolitonists very aggitated and this caused them to want to end slavery even more than they had before.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Who: Harriet Beecher Stowe
    What: A book written that had shown all of the horrers and bad things about slavery.
    When: After the Compromise of 1850 and The fugitive Slave Law
    Where: It was written in Brunswick,ME and Andover,MA
    Outsome: It had strengthened the beliefs of abolitionists because it had encouraged them and gave them more strength and hope.
    Signifigance: This was signifiigant because it changed the way people had viewed slavery.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Who: John Brown and anti slavery fighters
    What: A violent time when the residence were given the right to decide whether or not Kansas would be a slave or free state.
    When: A time during the settling of Kansas Territory
    Where: Kansas
    Outcome: They had rejected slavery. Also there was a ton of violence going on icluding the Pottawatomie Creek Massacre.
    Signifigance: The signifigance was that it had angered both pro slavery and anti slavery people. It had made Kansas a free state.
  • Dred Scott v. Stanford

    Dred Scott v. Stanford
    Who: Dred Scott and Stanford
    What: A court case of debating when or if a slave can or should be free or not and if they have the same rights as everyone else. Or whether a Black person should be able to sure.
    When: March 6,1857
    Where; Missouri
    Outcome: Blacks and slaves could never become citisens of the U.S. and the Missouri compromise was unconstituitional.
    Signifigance: Because Black people were offially unable to be a citizen ever it had angered abolitionists.
  • John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry
    Who: John Brown
    What: John Brown had raided Harper's Ferry and had thought he had planned it well although it didn't end up too good.
    When: October 16-18, 1859
    Where: Herpers ferry
    Outcome: Slaves did not end up joining the raid. John Brown had been defeated by the marines led by colonel Robert E. Lee and had been charged with treason and was hanged.
    Signifigance: Abolitionist were once again angered becuase a plan had not worked out too well because another abolitionist was killed.