Civilwar title

Causes of the Civil War

  • 3/5 Compromise

    3/5 Compromise
    The 3/5 Compromise was a Compromise that let 3 out of 5 slaves to be represented.The 3/5 compromise led to the civil war because the citizens from the Southern states received more power.The citizens found it unfair and created conflicts and adding slave states to the union.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise led to the Civil War because half of the states became slave states and the other half did not approve slavery.This separation became known as the 36 30 line which separated the North from the South.Missouri became a slave state and Maine became a free state.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 led to the Civil War because it ennforced the Fugitive Slave Act.The Fugitive Slave Act made the owners of slaves to return them or else they would be fined.Many of course, disagreed because of slavery and caused this compromise to not be effective.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The fugitive slave act led to the Civil war because slaves wanted to escape from their owners but where not able to do as easily anymore.Abolitionists were angered and wanted to stop this injustice that later on led to the Civil War.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe contributed with the Civil War when she wrote her book "Uncle Toms Cabin". In the book, Harriet wrote about all the struggles that slaves went through. This caused many people to realize how unfair and unhappily this group of people felt.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an act that let these two states choose if they wanted to allow slavery or not.This term is called popular sovereignty.When abolitionists tried to solve the issue of slavery, many fighting occured in Kansas.This became known as Bleeding Kansas and caused the Civil War.
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    The Dred Scott case was a very intense event that led to the Civil War.Dred Scott was a slave that lived in a free state but then moved to a slave state so wanted to claim his freedom.The case got to the supreme court and the decision was that no black person had any rights at all.This caused many slaves to react leading to the Civil War.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown contributed to the Civil War since he was an abolitionist. John Brown hated slavery so decided to end it at the South.John Brown armed the slaves, led a slave rebellion, and also along with his 5 sons,went to fight until their deaths and Brown’s imprisonment.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was a cause that led to the Civil War.This election led to the civil war because at the time many states seceded from the United States.States seceded from the United States becauseof the issue of slavery.
  • Secession of South Carolina

    Secession of South Carolina
    South Carolina was the first state to secede from the United States.After the election of Abraham Lincoln, other states started to secede because of the issue of slavery.When the states started to secede, president Abraham Lincoln wanted to reunite the union and was determined to fight for it. The Civil war was fought to reunite the union.