causes of the civil war

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Henry clay created this compromise. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 temporarily quieted the differences between the North and South of the US. The north was a free region from slaves but in the south their economy is based on slavery. Both wanted to make the country free or slaved. This compromise worked, but for a short time until a new territory was added from the Mexican-American war.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    David Wilmot from Pennsylvania proposed Wilmot Proviso. Wilmot proposed that slavery is banned in the new territory(Mexican cession). Before the new territory was gained there was a balance between free states and slave states; 15 free states and 15 slave states. With the new territory there wouldn’t be more balance. The bill wasn’t successful because it couldn't pass through the house of representatives.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay created this compromise. The compromise consisted in 5 rules. Congress would admit California as a free state. New Mexico and Utah would have popular sovereignty about slavery. The slave trade would end in Washington D.C. There was the new fugitive slave law that was more strict. Texas would give up claims in new mexico for 10 million dollars. This compromise tried to solve the most important problems. The compromise passed into law but it wasn’t fair for the south.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The act allowed officials to arrest anyone accused to be a runaway slave. Northern citizen had to help captured accused runaways. This law was for the northerners to admit that slaveholders had rights to their property. This made the northerners believe that slavery was evil. This act made it worse the situation between the south and north.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This book told a story about the life of the slaves and how they were treated. This book helped understand everyone how bad slavery was in the south. The book reached different parts from america and Europe. This was the biggest thing that helped the abolition movement.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas

    Kansas Nebraska Act / Bleeding Kansas
    Stephen Douglas helped passed the act of Kansas-Nebraska. The Kansas-Nebraska act allows people to vote if they want slavery (popular sovereignty). The act was made to solve the dispute about the new territory of Kansas and Nebraska being anti slavery or pro slavery. This act made the territory and government to divide into pro and anti-slavery. Violence break out. The violence spread over the US. At the end Kansas was admitted as a free state.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred Scott went to a free state that was Illinois with his owner. Dred Scott asked for his liberty in Illinois but he had to wait for 10 years. He couldn’t have his liberty because he wasn’t a US citizen, and he was still a property which was protected by the constitution. The court’s decision basically made slavery legal in all states.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    Lincoln and Douglas were debating about who will be the next president, they both were anti-slavery but they went into different ways of dealing with it. This debates happened because Lincoln and Douglas had the most votes, none of them got 50 percent of the votes. Lincoln didn’t wanted slavery to spread out. Douglas favored more the popular sovereignty. Both candidates went on series of debates throughout Illinois. Lincoln won,but right after that states seceded.
  • John Brown’s Raid

    John Brown’s Raid
    John brown was an abolitionist that had very dangerous ideas in how could slavery be banned. He organized a slavery bolt by going place to place talking about banning slavery, and stole a national arsenal that was in the town Harper's ferry, Virginia. He seized guns but he was caught and was sent to jail for murder and treason, finally he was sentenced to death. The northerners saw him as a hero but in the south they thought that people from the north were gonna destroy their lives.
  • Lincoln’s Election of 1860

    Lincoln’s Election of 1860
    In the election of 1860 there four candidates competing for being president: Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, John Breckenridge, John Bell. The two most voted candidates were Lincoln and Douglas, but none of them won because they didn’t got 50 percent of the votes. So Lincoln and Douglas went debating in different places of Illinois. Lincoln won but right after he won south Carolina seceded and some other southern states.
  • Southern Secession

    Southern Secession
    Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas seceded from the union. The first state to leave was south Carolina, they left because they thought when Lincoln won that he would ban slavery. Later on they united and created the confederate states. The confederates started taking federal property and they started attacking the US. Finally the civil war began.