
  • Race cars

    Race cars began to appear and they would race as a sport.
  • Model T is invented

    Model T is invented
    Article about Model TAn automobile built by Henry Ford in 1908. The model T was known popularly as the “Tin Lizzie” or the “flivver,” It sold very rapidly and changed the life of many people.
  • Key development

    Key development
    Cars HistoryThe electric ignition and starter motor was invented by Charles Kettering.Cars were now able to start themselves.
  • Emission regulations introduced

    Emission regulations introduced
    Car History Seat belts were introduced as optional extras.
  • Brakes developed

    Brakes developed
    Car HistoryBrakes were put in cars to maintain drivers steering and also to shorten braking distances.
  • Go Green

    Go Green
    Car HistoryManufacturers feel they will run out of oil in the future and decide to go green. They began to develope hybrid engines.
  • Inner Car

    Cars began to have more passenger seats.
  • Gas

    Gas prices begin to increase and becomes a big deal for the economy.