California History

  • 1500

    "Pre Contact" California

    California before the Spanish and other Europeans arrived in the 16th century.
  • 1534

    Council of the Indies

    Council of the Indies governed the Spanish Empire.
    This guaranteed efficient administration and the incorporation of large foreign lands into the Spanish Empire.
  • 1542

    European Exploration Period

    Searched for wealth
  • 1551

    Debate at Valladolid

    First debate to discuss the rights of Indigenous people. Important to the rights and treatment of Indigeneous people.
  • Expulsion of Society of Jesus

    All members of the Jesuits were removed from Western Europe. Important because it led to major changes in colonial administration.
  • 21 Missions were established

    San Diego 1769
    San Carlos 1770
    San Antonio de Padua 1771
    San Gabriel 1771
    San Fransisco 1823
    This helped the indigenous people get more accustomed to Christianity, Spanish culture, and colonial influence.
  • Spanish Colonial Period

  • Presidio Established

    Spanish army officer Jose Francisco Ortega (7 officers, 34 soldiers, ~10 Indian ”attendants”) established Presidio
  • Northwest Ordinances

    This was a series of laws passed between 1785 and 1789, and its plan was to add states to the Union.
  • Mission Santa Barbra Founded

    construction began in 1787
  • Measles Epidemic

    The measles spread throughout the missions of California, the Chumash had never experienced this so it was deadly to them. This had a significant negative influence on their societies and aggravating the societal and cultural changes brought about by European colonialism.
  • Spain Convenes Cortes of Cadiz

    Indigenous and colonial representation
    Outlines plan for indigenous freedom & full citizenship throughout Spanish Empire
  • Russian Settlement

    at Fort Ross, Mendocino coast
    They liked this region for its fertile land and animal supply.
  • Spanish Constitution

    Indigenous and colonial-born subjects granted full citizenship. This constitution allowed universal male suffrage. Important because it allowed for a push of independence in Latin America
  • Mexico Gains Independence

    Gained Independence from Spain because they lacked money and troops. They also thought political independence would help maintain their position. This was important because it ended Spanish Colonial rule.
  • Mexican Period

  • Mexico Codifies Land Grant Process

    No transfer to Missions
    Limited to 50,000 acres
    Don’t impinge on non-Christian tribal
  • Sacking of Santa Ynez

    War spreads to other missions in Chumash area
  • Trapping Party Detained in San Diego

    Allowed to settle in southern California – one is a silversmith & watchmaker
  • Trapping Party Nearly Perishes in Sierras

    they make it to Los Angeles, three stay; commerce & banking experience (Yount)
  • Indian Slave Trade

    Colonists would purchase Native Americans and use them for labor. Most of them were children. This disrupted their societies and brought a decline to demographics.
  • New Mexicans Settle Near San Bernadino

    Colony of New Mexicans settle near San Bernardino to
    engage in consumer goods trade between California & Taos
  • Taos trapper Ewing Young

    Returns to New Mexico after a yearlong trip, tells of Californios’ desires for consumer goods. This was a big deal because it led to more American commerce and trapping in the area.
  • 4/11 Men Settle in LA

    Four of 11 men of a Taos trapping party abandon group
    and settle in Los Angeles, they marry local women
  • Government Secularized the Mission Churches

    law that directed the closure of California missions. Instructed by the Congress of Mexico
  • Secularization

    All neophyte families to get mission land
    Surplus to go to gente de razon (Californios)
    Accelerated transition to hide-and-tallow trade
    Limits of Californios
    Led to a decline of the mission systems influence.
  • Neophytes Return to Villages

    (northern California), migrate to pueblos (southern
  • Grants Awarded

    Most grants to foreigners were awarded after 1840. Important because they accelerated American colonization in the West, increasing hostilities with Native American tribes and Mexican landowners
  • Bidwell-Bartleson Party

    Captain John Bartleson and John Bidwell, were the first American emigrants to attempt a wagon crossing from Missouri to California. It helped establish new routes and created a model for further westward migration
  • Treaty of Cahuenga

    This resulted in a ceasefire between Californios and Americans, ended the War in California.
  • California Gold rush

    Gold was found by James W. in Sutter’s Mill, American
    River, Coloma. Gold seekers began to make their way to California to look for gold, aprox 300,000 people came during this time. The gold rush ultimately transformed the economy.
  • Gold and Genocide Period

  • Gold Rush Phase 1

    Began in Spring of 1848, where it was mostly the locals who rushed to regions in hopes of finding gold.
  • Gold Rush Phase 2

    "Pacific Rim" Phase 2 went from Summer and Fall of 1848. They experienced miners from Latin America, some from China;
    Hawaiian laborers
  • Gold Rush Phase 3

    1849-1854. National and International. Less experienced miners from China & Europe, but primarily from the U.S.
  • Pacific Railroad Act

    a federal act that was passed during the Civil War which gave grants of land to railroad companies so that they could begin to build transcontinental railroads throughout the US
  • Railroads Created

    Lincoln signed the Pacific railroad Act in 1862, allowing the construction of the railroad eastward of Sacramento. Transformed transportation and allowed for rapid development of trade, living, and industrialization throughout the country.
  • Los Angeles Chinese Massacre

    A large group of white and Latino American men attacked, robbed and killed the Chinese residents of the area we now know as "Chinatown"
  • Clay Street Cable Car

    First cable car opened, and it brought public transportation to many.
  • The Workingmen's Party

    Led by Denis Kearney, J. D. Day, and L. Knight and their famous slogan is know as "The Chinese Must Go!"
  • Sandlot Rallies

    groups of laborers met in a sandy lot of Chinatown and protested in favor of the strikers
  • Mussel Slough Tradegy

    This was a dispute between settlers and the Southern Pacific Railroad where they fought over land tittles.
  • Industrial California and the Rise of Progressivism

  • "Free Harbor Fight"

    Dispute between Californias senator and a large railroad company. Los Angeles was made a "free" harbor, which meant it was independent from the influence of the Southern Pacific railroad. 1896-1907
  • Progressive Movement

    started in 1897 and lasted through the 1920's. The goal was to further social and political reform. They also aimed to limit the way large cooperations could politically influence.
  • Imperial San Fransisco

    19th Century
  • Sf Graft Trials

    lasted from 1906-1907 and attempted to prosecute public officials in San Fransisco for graft and other political corruption
  • Earthquake of the San Andreas Fault

    Destroyed much of San Fransisco, and started fires around the city that burned for a duration of 3 days.
  • Raker Act

    This act permitted the damming of Hetch Hetchy Valley
  • Home Teacher Act

    Volunteers were sent to the homes of immigrant families and invited them to their English speaking sewing and cooking classes. All in hopes of bringing Americans closer together.
  • Child Labor Ban (under 14)

    This banned the sale of products manufactured by any child under the age of 14.
  • 18th Amendment Ratified

    The 18th Amendment established the prohibition of alcohol in the US. It was later ratified by the vote of California.
  • 19th Amendment

    Prohibited the US from denying women the right to vote
  • Women's Suffrage Movement

    Women's suffrage supporters marched, rallied, and lectured in order to achieve a change in the Constitution.
  • Immigration Act

    federal law the limited the amount of immigrants allowed to enter the US
  • Great Depression Period

  • World War II period

  • Labor Shortages

    appear in 1940, and intensify later
  • :"Braceros" Arrive

    They came as guest workers
    Braceros were excused from discrimination of "white" areas
  • War Production Boards were established

    Manages military, and farm production. Local boards composed of beurocrats that help you find jobs, however you cant quit. If you quit, they will send you to military.
  • Executive Order 9066

    calls for removal of people of Japanese descent
    they were placed in internment camps
  • Mexican Farm Labor Agreement

    This was created to bring migrants from Mexico to the US in order to help the labor shortage caused by World War II
  • Zoom Suit Riots

    White sailors invaded Latino LA, they would attack young men who they saw wearing zoot suits because they thought it was wasting fabric.
  • Port Chicago Disaster

    320 killed, 400 injured
    Explosion that occurred, most of those who were killed and injured were African American.
  • Port Chicago “Mutiny”

    Black sailors refused to return to site after explosion.
  • Gonzalo Mendez sues Westminster School District

    Sues for racial segregation in public schools
  • population grows from 7M-9.5M

    "second great migration"
    veterans returned from war
    guest workers "braceros"
  • 1959 Freeway Act Passed

    $10.5 billion for transportation
  • Burns Porter Act

    $1.75 billion bond measure
    financed the construction of State Water Project
  • Fair Employment Practices Act

    prohibits employers and labor unions from discriminating against workers, bill authored by Augustus Hawkins
  • Unruh Civil Rights Act

    prohibits discrimination by businesses, provides for victims to sue for damages in state courts
  • Donohoe Act

    "Higher Education Act"
    Established the Trustees of the California State College.
    This laid the foundation for current educational governance in the state.
  • freeway contructions began

    San Diego 405 : 1961-1969
    Golden State 5 : 1964
    Santa Monica 10: 1961-1964
    Foothill 210: 1966
    San Gabriel 605: 1964-1971
  • Rumford Fair Housing Act

    Racial discrimination in housing was prohibited. This advanced civil rights movements in California and worldwide.
  • Proposition 14 Passed

    Allowed discrimination in housing, however it was later turned.
  • Modern California Period