Byzantine Timeline

By wolson
  • 330

    Emperor Constantine Founds The Capital

    After the Germans attacked the Romans, the emperor of the Romans, Constantine, decided to move to the eastern part of the Mediterranean. There he and others rebuilt a city that was formerly part of Greece, Byzantium. Instead of naming this city Byzantium, Constantine named it Constantinople. This was made the capital city of Byzantine.
  • 530

    General Belisarius Military Campaign Begins

    General Belisarius was appointed as Justinian's general at age 25. Belisarius started his stint as general with a victory over neighboring rival Persia. After that, he won a battle against Dara. What he is most remebered by is his controlling and stopping of the Nika Revolt in Constainople.
  • 532

    Nika Revolt Occurs

    The Nika revolt was a bunch of riots with a massive fire that went through Constantinople. Not only were buildings were lost, but also many civilian lives were lost too.This was partly due to some chariot races, but the anger and riots really started because of Justinian's policies.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia Is Completed

    After the Nika revolt, the emperor at the time, Justinian wanted to make Constantinople beautiful again. The main building that was most the Hagia Sophia. This building was used a church, but now is used as a Byzantine museum. The feature that put everyone in awe was the fully enclosed dome. The Byzantine have now left their architectural mark on their civilization.
  • 634

    Beginning Of Islamic Military Campaigns Into Byzantine

    The Islamic military campaigns began from the south.The campaigns began after a new leader took over, named Umar ibn al-Khattab and he and their military conquered the territories of Syria, Palestine and Lebanon. This was called the Battle of Yarmouk.
  • 970

    Emperor Basil's Military Begins Conquests Of Bulgaria

    The conquest of Bulgaria was a large one for the Byzantine empire. Not only does this extend territory and rule the Byzantine's have, it also gives them opportunities to conquer Mesopotamia, Georgia, and Armenia.
  • 1054

    The Great Schism Occurs

    The Great Schism is the dividing of the Christian churches. It was the dividing of the eastern churches led by Micheal Cerularius and the western churches led by Pope Leo IX. They each had different belief roots, so they decieded to branch away from one another. Up until 1965 there was excommunication between the two sides (You could believe what you wanted, but if it didn't agree with your church then you were not accepted).
  • 1095

    Emperor Alexios Contacts Pope Urban

    After the Great Schism, Emperor Alexius contacted Pope Urban inquiring about military support. For Emperor Alexius, he didn't really think that peace was possible for the empire. The real reason for the pairing was that Pope Urban wanted to liberate Jerusalem and he thought that Emperor Alexius could help him do that.
  • 1202

    The Fourth Crusade Begins

    The Fourth Crusade happened when the people of Venice overtook the Byzantine empire. They put Alexius IV as emperor but later the throne was overtaken by Murzuphlus. He told the crusaders that they could no longer stay in the city, so the crusaders took back the throne and was then named the Latin Empire.
  • 1453

    Constantinople Falls To The Ottoman Turks

    Years after The Fourth Crusade, the Byzantine's formed a government again and were able to take back Constainople from the Latin Empire, but in result the army and civilization was weakened. In 1453 the Ottoman Turks captured the city and that was the end of the Byzantines.