
British History and Culture

  • Period: 7000 BCE to 700 BCE

    Pre Celtic Britain

  • 6000 BCE


    6000 years ago Britain was inhabited.The population starts to grow cereals like wheat,barley or oats and to breed cattle
  • 3000 BCE

    Ritual sites

    Ritual sites
    About 3000 B.C preCeltic inhabitants built large ritual sites,enclosed spaces used for ceremonies,The most famous is Stonehenge.During the Bronze Age the islanders start metalworking.
  • Period: 700 BCE to 60 BCE

    The Celts

  • 650 BCE

    The arrive of Celts

    The arrive of Celts
    Around 650 B.C the Celts began to arrive from northwest Germany
  • 300 BCE

    The Celts

    The Celts
    They settled in the country between 500 and 100 B.C .The Celts were tall and muscular,with fair skin blue eyes and blond hair.They introduced Iron Plough.The Celts worshipped the natural elements such as the sun,the moon,trees and rivers.
  • Period: 55 BCE to 409

    The Romans

  • 54 BCE

    First roman invasion

    First roman invasion
    Julius Caesar led a Roman invasion of Britain
  • 43

    The conquest by Claudius

    The conquest by Claudius
    Until 43-47 A.D Emperor Claudius conquered Britain
  • 122

    Hadrian's wall

    Hadrian's wall
    Until 122 A.D Emperor Hadrian ordered a wall to be built to mark the border between the conquered Britons and the unconquered Scots and Picts .Romans built over 9600 kilometres of paved roads in Britain.
  • 409

    The end of Roman control

    The end of Roman control
    in 409 A.D Barbarians raiders defeated Romans
  • Period: 450 to 1065

    The Anglo-Saxons

  • 500

    The invasion from Northern Europe

    The invasion from Northern Europe
    Over the Sixth century the British were overwelmed by people coming from the Northern Europe,including Jutes,Saxons and Angles.
  • 597


    In 597 Pope Gregory I sent a monk,Augustine, to bring Christianity back to England
  • 602

    Cathedral of Canterbury

    Cathedral of Canterbury
    In 602 was founded the first cathedral of England,The Cathedral of Canterbury and Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury
  • 635

    Illuminated Gospels

    Illuminated Gospels
    In the monastery of Lindisfarne ,founded in 635 off the northeast coast in England ,the monks produced Illuminated Gospels.
  • 793

    The Danes

    The Danes
    The Danes,known ad "Vikings" ,crossed the Atlantic on their longships looking for treasure and slaves.In 793 they sacked the Lindisfarne,destroyng hundreds of manuscripts and taking the monks as slaves.They established the Danelaw.When they reached Wessex ,howewer they met with opposition from King Ethelred.
  • 829

    First Boundaries

    First Boundaries
    By the beginning of the seventh century the boundaries of the Anglo-Saxons Kingdoms known as Heptarchy,has formed,They continued without changing until 829
  • 878

    Alfred The Great

    Alfred The Great
    When King Ethelred died in 871,Alfred became the King of Wessex,he defeated the Danish commander Guthrum at the battle of Edington in 878.
  • 927

    King Athelstan

    King Athelstan
    When Alfred died in 899,his grandson Athelstan succeeded to the throne.In 927 Athelstan created a kingdom by establishing the idea of royal authority,law and coinage.
  • Period: 1066 to 1204

    The Normans

  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    Harold managed to defeat the Danes in the north,but then had to march in the south to fight William,Duke of Normandy.At the famous battle of Hastings in 1066,Harold was killed and the Anglo-Saxons were conquered by the Normans
  • Period: Oct 14, 1066 to 1204

    The Normans

  • Dec 25, 1066

    The Crowning of William

    The Crowning of William
    William was later crowned William I in Westminster Abbey,in London,on Christmas Day in 1066
  • 1100

    The consequences of the invasion

    The consequences of the invasion
    The invasion of Normans brought a deep political,social and cultural transformation.The feudal system was established.French Barons built castles to demonstrate and keep their power. William the Conqueror claimed to be the lord of the land and his central authority became stronger. The Normans replaced English with French as the language of government and the elite.