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Becoming a Teacher - a Lifetime of Learning

  • Here I am!

    I was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. An only child to a single mom, my childhood shaped me as a learner, and a versatile communicator.
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    School Days

    My parents encouraged learning, in all forms, and helped me to realized that knowledge of the world, the outdoors, and people are important, just as academic learning is important.
  • High School Graduation

    Dr. E.P. Scarlett High School
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    University of Calgary

    Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Year 1
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    Adventure Bound!

    University wasn't all it was cracked up to be in year one, so... off I went to Australia. New Backpack. New Boots. Adventure called. I was an emotional wreck the minute I landed, and terrified for a good deal of the year... but I wouldn't trade that experience for anything!
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    University of Calgary

    Pre-Veterinary Medicine (year 2)
  • University of Saskatchewan Bachelor of Science, Animal Science

    Sometimes where we start is not where we end up. With plans to become a veterinarian, I moved to Saskatchewan. Veterinary medicine did not happen, but an agriculture degree with a specialization in animal sciences did!
  • University of Saskatchewan Master of Science, Toxicology

    What I found out in my journey to become a veterinarian, was that I actually loved learning about animals and environment, more than I actually wanted to have a career devoted to healing them. Throughout my undergraduate degree (particularly through an opportunity to participate in an Honour's Research Thesis project) I discovered a passion for research, and that I had a knack for asking good questions.
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    The Real World: Environmental Toxicologist, Golder Associates Ltd.

    Junior Environmental Toxicologist, Oil & Gas, Mining, Power
  • Baby Boy #1

    My first student came into the world one month early. After much consideration, my husband and I decided that my career (long hours, inflexible commitments, and a long commute) was officially on hold. Full-time Mamahood began... Best. Job. Ever.
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    A New Beginning

    My passion for research and learning did not end upon the arrival of my kids. Rather, my interests were redirected. I discovered a new direction in the areas of parenting, positive discipline, brain development, and learning, which opened doors to the world of education that I had never considered before.
  • Baby Boy #2

    What could be better than one little human to teach, to guide, to cherish... well, two. Baby boy number two zoomed onto the scene 2 months earlier than expected, and only added to my mothering bliss.
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    Chairperson, Ecole Edward Elementary School Council

    Developed inclusive, and community-focused school council including organizing and coordinating up to 100 volunteers. Developed, in collaboration with the school community, standard operating procedures and a school council 2-year plan for continuous growth and development of school council
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    Children's Ministries Coordinator

    Center Street Church, Airdrie Campus: Curriculum development, volunteer management and recruitment, child-safety planning and implementation
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    Educational Assistant

    Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools, substitute (Oct., 2016 - present)
    Chinooks Edge School Division (Sept., 2015 - June, 2016)
    Rocky View Schools (Jan. - June, 2015)
    General assistance and learning support; focus on literacy and numeracy, implementation of specific IPP goals.