
Beautiful Boy Timeline part 2

  • Nic disappears

    after returning home from his first disappearance and methamphetamine use nick disappears again (page 116)
  • Nic comes home

    without warning Nic returns home again, a week after disappearing. He is rambling, ill, weak, frail and its obvious he was on a methamphetamine binge (page 119)
  • davids Ultimatum

    after talking to Nics therapist and consulting experts David decides the best method to treat Nics methamphetamine problem is with rehab. When David brings up the idea of rehab, Nic gets enraged and refususes to go. its not until David gives Nic an ultimatum of going to rehab or getting kicked out of the house that Nic reluctantly agrees to go. (page 121)
  • Nic starts Rehab

    Despite Nics Denial of having a problem and aggressive counterarguments towards his father, David, the ultimatum still stands and Nic is admitted to a four week rehabilitation program at Ohlhoff Recovery. (page 129)
  • Nic runs away from rehab

    at the end of the four week program Nic calls home and asks to extend his stay in rehab, as he thinks he needs more time. Three days after that phone call David calls to check up on him and learns he is missing.
  • David Finds Nic

    After being missing for days Nic calls from a former girlfriends house. David picks him up and sees a gash on his forehead and a bruise on his cheek, apparently from being robbed and beaten up. Nic has relapsed and used methamphetamine after running away from the rehab center ( page 146)
  • Nic starts rehab again

    Nic starts another rehab program, this time at st. Helena hospital. Nic is less reluctant to start compared to his first attempt at rehab, even admitting that rehab is necessary, but he is still terrified and calls rehab a "nightmare"
  • Nic starts college

    after graduating from another round of rehab Nic goes to Hampshire college. Nic seems optimistic about his future, vowing to never do drugs again. Nic gets set up in a supposed drug free dorm and gets introduced to the college's health services who will recognize and help Nic as a recovering drug addict.
  • Nic relapses

    After 2 months of college nic stops returning his fathers calls. Worried, David send one of his friend who lives in the area to check up on him and he finds Nic in his dorm, high. 166.
  • Nic drops out of college

    after Deceiving his father to think that he was doing well in college and that his relapse two months in was only a slip up , Nic returns home as the school year ends and confesses that he was abusing methamphetamine throughout the whole semester
  • Period: to

    Nic lives on the streets and abuses methamphetamine

    after stealing from his family and dropping out of college nic leaves and nobody can find him, including David who desperately searches parks, asks methamphetamine addicts and calls police stations and hospitals for any information on his missing son. throughout this time Nic is found one morning secretly sleeping in his grandparents guest room and on another occasion showed up to his godfathers house asking for food. both times he refused to talk to them (page 170-188)
  • Nic meets with David

    through emails David managed to convince Nic to meet up with him at a cafe called "Steps Of Rome". When David sees his son hes taken aback at his sickly appearance. there are welts on Nics body, hes extremely pale, weakened, shaking and starved. David realizes if his son doesn't get help soon he is going to die. (page 195)
  • David realizes how strong methamphetamine addiction is

    After a series of recoveries and relapses Nic is clean for almost two years, until he calls his father and admits to using. David finally comes to terms with how strong methamphetamine addiction is because of how well Nic was doing during his sobriety and realizes the road to recovery will be long and hard but he no longer feels responsible because he is aware of how strong of a disease addiction is (page 254)