Baseball glove bat 1

Baseball Bat timeline

  • First Baseball bat made

    First Baseball bat made
    The first bats were all made of wood. At one time it was easy as picking up a stick in the woods, and hitting a ball. The game of baseball evolved from a game called Rounders, and Cricket.
  • Slugger baseball is created

    Slugger baseball is created
    Louisville player Pete Browning become frustrated after breaking his favorite bat.
  • First double ring bats are created

    First double ring bats are created
    Wright and Ditson created 2 rings on the handle of the baseball bat. They said that with the hands spread apart they could have better contol of the baseball bat, as well as the concept of choking up.
  • Easton Baseball is created

    Easton Baseball is created
    In 1922 the #1 Bat company was created. Easton sports was first made for bows and arrows, but overall Easton was created.
  • Firrst aluminum bat is made

    Firrst aluminum bat is made
    The aluminum bat was made for little league baseball and college, the bat performed a lot better than the wood. The barrel was a lot bigger so you had a better chance of hitting the ball and the ball would travel a greater distance.
  • Titanium bats are made

    Titanium bats are made
    In 1993 Eastons Sports and Wilson Sports make the first ever titanium bats,
  • 2 piece bats are used

    2 piece bats are used
    Easton sports introduces the first ever 2 piece bat. This bat was to become the "fastest" bat ever made. The 2 piece design was so the hitter could hands through the zone faster than anyone else in the game.
  • BBcor Bats are made

    BBcor Bats are made
    In 2011 the BBCOR baseball bats made. They are for high school and college. They were made like wooden bats but they are aluminum, they were made to reduce the amount of injury. The ball comes off the bat at a slower speed than i would an normal aluminum bat. It also has a smaller sweet spot on the barrel.
  • Only BBcor are allowed in high school and college

    Only BBcor are allowed in high school and college
    No longer was BESR bats good to use anymore. According to science and the experts, batws were causing an unsafe environment for pitchers. Changing to BBCOR bats, they called for loss pop, and a more safe playing field. Homeruns declined in college by nearly 300 homeruns.