Ss chevy chevelle american muscle cars camaro mustangs classic cars

Auto Mechanic / Technition

  • Graduate highschool

    Graduate highschool
    I graduate highschool after compleating the required classes.
  • first day of tech school

    first day of tech school
    I will be attending south east. I will go for an associates degree in auto body buisness. This will teake two years to complete. It will cost about $26,000 for both years.
  • graduate from tech school

    graduate from tech school
    After high school I go to tech school and graduate after two years.
  • First job

    First job
    upon graduation I will work full time at Salem Body shop. I work Comition instead of salary wich means I get paid per job instead of salary.
  • Breaking my arm

    Breaking my arm
    I break my arm when I lift a car on a jack when the jack gives out and the car bounces down and catches my arm.
  • taking over the shop

    taking over the shop
    I will except majority ownership when why dad turns 55.
  • once in a lifetime car

    once in a lifetime car
    I get asked to paint and detail a race car that will race on national television.
  • Day of retirment

    Day of retirment
    I will retire when I am 72 and will have taken over the shop for my dad.