Period 3 bagpipe for website

APUSH unit 3 major events

  • 1783 BCE

    Treaty of paris

    Treaty of paris
    Formally ended the American Revolution in 1783. The U.S gained control over land stretching west to Mississippi River. The U.S is bigger today because they take and buy land from Spanish territories.
  • 1775 BCE

    War for Independence

    War for Independence
    The war for Independence began at Lexington and Concord. The people who supported Independence were the Patriots while those who remained loyal to the king were called the Loyalist.
  • 1765 BCE

    Massive Debt in England

    Massive Debt in England
    England went into great debt after the seven years war. They brought back Old mercantilist act to help pay off these debts but the colonies rejected them. Examples of these acts are the Sugar Act, Quartering act of 1765, and the Stamp act.
  • 1763 BCE

    Colonial resentment

    Colonial resentment
    The Proclamation of !763 settled the dispute over land between the Natives and the British. However, the British colonies did not abide by that law and continued to settle west of Appalachian Mountains. This was the first example of colonial resentment to new British laws.
  • 1763 BCE

    Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    The British government placed a tax on tea which the colonies resented. This brought about the Boston tea party. Several crates of tea were dumped into the sea at Boston. The British punished American colonies for this event.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of Independence was a major turning point in the American society today. It politically ended all ties between the colonies and Great Britain. Laid out a series of complains against British
  • Separation of powers

    Separation of powers
    After the Declaration of Independence, the newly founded America created new constitutions and declaration that articulated the role of state and federal government. Power was typically split into three branches of government, The legislature, Executive and Judiciary.