APUSH 1918-2018

  • Roosevelt's Corollary

    Roosevelt's Corollary was the document that stated that Europe would stay out of America and vice versa and that Europe also had to stay out of South & Central America. North America could go in, though, because we were going to "help them".
  • Scopes-Monkey Trial

    This trial was between a school teacher and a school board. The teacher was teaching evolutionism and not creationism so the school got angry. The trial made people realize that maybe they should teach both evolutionism and creationism, not just one.
  • Herbert Hoover Elected

    Herbert Hoover was elected around the time of the Stock Market Crash and he was blamed for many people's poverty.
  • Stock Market Crashes to start the Great Depression

    The Stock Market crashed when everyone saw that people were selling out their stocks and whatever people do in the stock market, everyone follows.
  • FDR Elected

    FDR was the one president who got to serve more than two terms. His wife, Eleanor, did a lot of work for him because he was in a state of illness a majority of the time.
  • FDR Begins Fireside Chats

    FDR created something called "Fireside Chats" which were radio chats with FDR.
  • Eleanor Roosevelt becomes First Lady

    Eleanor Roosevelt became First Lady and did many things to help her husband who was sick and challenged. She was also a part of the women's rights movement.
  • Rosie the Riveter

    Rosie the Riveter had a huge impact on women in WWll. She was the image of the women who worked during the war.
  • Cold War Begins

    The Cold War was the war between America and the Soviets in which no one really fought. It was tense between the two countries, but because each side was waiting for the other to begin fighting, there weren't any attacks.
  • Brown vs. Board

    This was the court case in which the court had to decide on whether or not to allow black children into white schools. The court ruled that a few children (the Little Rock nine) could go to a white school.
  • Vietnam Draft begins

    The Vietnam War was the war between North and South Vietnam who were fighting over Communism. The Americans decided to help and try to contain Communism and not spread it.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott Ends

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott was the boycotting of busses and other means of transportation involving white people. Black people decided to start carpooling and stop using busses, taxis, etc. This is ended in 1956
  • JFK Elected

    JFK was elected because he was a handsome, young, intelligent man. He was shot and killed during his presidency.
  • JFK Assassinated

    JFK was in a parade one day when all of a sudden he was shot in the head and neck and was killed.
  • Feminine Mystique is published

    The Feminine Mystique was a book about women fulfilling their lives by not just staying home and being wives and mothers.
  • Bull Connor uses firehoses

    Bull Connor was the police commissioner at the time of the Civil Rights Movement. He was so against black people having rights that he would do things such as spray them with firehoses and have dogs attack them.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the law passed that there could be no more segregation.
  • Griswold VS. Court

    Griswold VS. Court is the case in which the Supreme Court decided to allow birth control to be used.
  • Malcolm X killed

    Malcolm X was shot and killed while speaking to his followers one day.
  • NOW formed

    The NOW organization is one of women who get together and want to end discrimination against the female gender. They started a long time ago and are still going.
  • Nixon's revised Philadelphia Plan Implemented

    Nixon revised the Philadelphia Plan (affirmative action for black people) and implemented it in this year.
  • Richard Nixon Elected

    Richard Nixon was a president who did stuff in secret that shouldn't have been done in the first place. He ended up quitting at some point during his presidency so that he wouldn't get fired.
  • MLK killed

    MLK was shot at a hotel during some visit he was making.
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a giant gathering of people who liked the same things: peace, music, coming together. This lasted for several days, which was longer than anyone expected.
  • Kent State Shootings

    During the Vietnam War, National Guard members came out and shot several students because of their protesting. They were protesting because they didn't believe what America was doing in the war was good.
  • ERA sent to states for ratification

    The ERA was sent to the states for ratification so that people could have their equal rights.
  • Title IX passed

    Title IX is the document that bans any discrimination against either gender. This is passed in the year 1972
  • Roe VS. Wade

    Roe VS. Wade was the court case in which the Supreme Court decided to allow abortions.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon decided to resign during his presidency because there was so much stuff he did that was wrong that he would've been fired anyway. He didn't want to seem like a bad president, so he quit before he could get fired.
  • Ronald Reagan Elected

    Ronald Reagan was a former actor who became president who had done many good things, but said stuff that people weren't sure if he was kidding or not. This really confused people who would listen to him.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman Supreme Court justice

    Sandra Day O'Connor became the first woman Supreme Court justice which was huge for the women of the US because it proved to them that they could do anything.
  • Geraldine Ferraro runs for VP

    This proves to women that they can do anything, including run for something as high up as VP.
  • Cold War Ends

    The Cold War ended when both America and the Soviet Union surrendered and decided to officially not fight.
  • Bill Clinton Elected

    Bill Clinton was a president who was impeached because the many unmoral things he did in office. This made people mad which caused him to get impeached.
  • Clinton Impeached

    Clinton was impeached because of how many sly and unmoral things he did during his time in office.
  • World Trade Center Towers collapse

    The Twin Towers (World Trade Center Towers) collapsed when terrorists flew planes into them. These terrorists hijacked several planes and flew them into several places, one of them being the World Trade Center Towers.
  • Barack Obama Elected

    Barack Obama was the first black president in the US and he was also the previous president.
  • Hillary Clinton runs for President

    Hillary Clinton was the first woman to run for president. Although she didn't win, it proved to women that they can be strong and do big things, such as run for president.