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Apple´s Empire

  • Apple´s Empire

    Apple´s Empire
  • Nuclear Weapons

    Nuclear Weapons
    Nuclear weapons in war by the U.S triggered Japan’s quick surrender.
  • European economy

    European economy
    Much spending to rebuild European economy was dedicated to a superpower nuclear arms race, in which each super-power produced tens of thousands of nuclear weapons.
  • U.S.A Military Superiority

    U.S.A Military Superiority
    In the early years of the nuclear arms race, U.S. military superiority was absolute, especially in nuclear weapons.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    In 1953, the Korean War broke out when communist North Ko-rea attacked and overran most of U.S.-allied South Korea, causing a divition.
  • USA and Soviets

    USA and Soviets
    USA and Soviets signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, prohibiting atmospheric nuclear tests, and cooperate in cultural exchanges.
  • Woz and Jobs

    Woz and Jobs
    Woz who was a coworker of Steve Jobs enters to a college in Colorado where he met Steve Jobs and became friends having the same attraction for computers, this leads to them working together in the same projects and future projects of Apple.
  • Apple is borned

    Apple is borned
    Three friends made a project that result in one of the most visionary companies and become a revolutionary idea that changed the way we see phones today.
  • Apple 1 is launched

    Apple 1 is launched
    Apple 1 is the first product launched, it was a machine that had a microprocessor with a connection for keyboard and monitor, they sold 175 units with a price of $666 usd.
  • Apple is officially a legitimate company

    Apple is officially a legitimate company
    Apple is officially a legitimate company with an adult present in it, and Mike Markkula invested 91,000 dollars obtaining one third of the company creating a formal company where Jobs would leave Atari and Woz would leave HP
  • Apple 2 is created

    Apple 2 is created
    Apple 2 was created by Woz and generated earnings up to 2 million dollars, this because this product sold over 300,000 units and was a computer that had a most elegant design, more sophisticated keyboard, more memory and much faster.
  • Woz leaves

    Woz leaves
    Woz an important person for the corporation leaves Apple, Woz was present in Apple since the origins, leaving the company for him was not that much but Steve Jobs implored him to not leave the corporation.
  • Steve Jobs is fired

    Steve Jobs is fired
    Steve Jobs was fired and this generated lows in the company which lead to bad products and low earnings this showed Apple that Steve Jobs was a fundamental part of the corporation
  • Soviets bombs

    Soviets bombs
    The Soviets managed to match the United States over time, from A-bombs to H-bombs to multiple-warhead missiles
  • Steve Jobs is the new CEO

    Steve Jobs is the new CEO
    Steve Jobs takes the charge of CEO in Apple and this generates huge earnings, people loved the creation of new products like the Mac Os and the Ipod.
  • Iran broken agreements

    Iran broken agreements
    Iran made and broke several agreements to suspend the enrichment of uranium that could be used to build nuclear weapons
  • Iphone beggins

    Iphone beggins
    Apple integrated the iphone that would change the world of digital music creating big earnings with the application of itunes too which included over 200,000 songs and defeated Mp3`s.
  • Nuclear weapons

    Nuclear weapons
    Nuclear weapons programs in North Korea and Iran raised alarms. Korea produced possibly a half-dozen nuclear bombs and tested
  • Iphone is launched

    Iphone is launched
    Apple launch the iphone which creates huge profit in Apple earnings being revolutionary, this product was the first smartphone launched as we know today having a tactile screen, with internet connection and sending messages.
  • Steve Jobs Death

    Steve Jobs Death
    Steve Jobs is dead on October, 5th, 2011 in Palo Alto, California
  • Tested missile

    Tested missile
    Korea successfully tested an advanced long-range missile in defiance of a UN Security Council ban.
  • Apple in 2019

    Apple in 2019
    Today Apple is the most valuable company in the world and Tim Cook is in charge of it.