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Apartheid policies of Mandela

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    Pass law

    Initially applied to African men, attempts to enforce pass laws on women in the 1910s and 1950s sparked significant protests. Pass laws remained a key aspect of the country's apartheid system until their effective termination in 1986.
  • Land Act of 1913

    Land Act of 1913
    The Act restricted black people from buying or occupying land except as employees of a white master.
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    Nelson Mandela's Lifespan

    Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in the village of Mvezo in Umtata. died at the age of 95 after a prolonged respiratory infection.
  • The Group Areas Act

    The Group Areas Act
    aimed to eliminate mixed neighborhoods in favour of racially segregated ones which would allow South Africans to develop separately
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    Defiance Campaign

    The Defiance Campaigns, including bus boycotts in South Africa, served as an inspiration to Civil Rights Activists in the United States.
  • Pretoria Women's Protest

    Pretoria Women's Protest
    On 9 August 1956, 20,000 women staged a march on the Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against the proposed amendments to the Urban Areas Act
  • Bantu Self Government Act of 1959

    Bantu Self Government Act of 1959
    It set up "eight (later extended to ten) distinct 'Bantu Homelands' out of the existing reserves, each with a degree of self-government"
  • Sharpeville Massacre

    Sharpeville Massacre
    incident in the Black township of Sharpeville, near Vereeniging, South Africa, in which police fired on a crowd of Black people, killing or wounding some 250 of them
  • Land returned back to its rightful owners

    In 1993, an agreement to restore land to its rightful owners was reached, certain communities returned to their ancestral land.
  • Tsitsikamma community farming program

    In 1995, the community returned to their land in Tsitsikamma, where they started a community farming project.