AP Environmental Science Timeline

By Kyle11
  • 10,000 BCE

    Agricultural Revolution

    Was when humans started farming and producing crops to eat. Which occurred 10,000 years ago
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    When humans started making mechanical machines and started making textile products/ goods.
  • John Muir

    John Muir
    Born April 21st, 1838. He founded the Sierra club which is a preservation club and helped to preserve Yosemite National Park.
  • Walden by Henry David Thoreau

    Walden by Henry David Thoreau
    Was a book written by Henry David Thoreau that talked about his experiences in a cabin near Walden pond in Massachusetts. It talked about living simple.
  • Homestead Act

    Signed into law by President Lincoln, this act encouraged settlers to move west by providing them with 160 acres of public land.
  • Gifford Pinchot

    Was an American forester and politician who served as the first chief of the US Forest Service
  • Yellowstone National Park Founded

    Yellowstone National Park Founded
    Is a national park that is mainly located in Wyoming but extends into Montana and Idaho. It was signed into law by Ulysses S. Grant.
  • American Forestry Association Founded

    Is a non-profit organization group that helps to protect and restore forest ecosystems. It was created in 1875
  • Aldo Leopold

    Was an American author, scientist, ecologist, forester and environmentalist.
  • Yosemite Plus Sequoia National Park Founded

    Yosemite Plus Sequoia National Park Founded
    Are national parks in California that were created on October 1st, 1890. They are in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.
  • General Revision Act of 1891

    It gave the President the ability to set aside and reserve any part of public land that had forestry and undergrowth.
  • Sierra Club founded

    Is a club that focuses on staying green and was founded by John Muir in 1892
  • Lacey Act

    Made it illegal to transport or purchase fish, animals, and plants that have been taken, possessed, transported or sold.
  • Golden Age of Conservation

    It was a period when President Theodore Roosevelt used his authority to protect the environment in the United States.
  • First National Wildlife Refuge Established

    Pelican Island was the first national wildlife refuge established.
  • US Forest Service Founded

    They administer the national parks and grasslands we have here in the US.
  • Audubon Society founded

    A society dedicated to conservation and was founded in 1905 by John James Audubon.
  • Antiquities Act

    Gives the President the authority to create national monuments from public land.
  • Congress gets upset over Roosevelt

    Congress banned Theodore Roosevelt from making further withdrawals from public lands.

    Is a federal law that set up the basic US system of regulating pesticides.
  • US National Park Service Founded

    US National Park Service Founded
    Is a federal organization that runs national parks.
  • Soil Conservation Service Founded

    Is a state agency that helps farmers,and private landowners and managers technical assistance.
  • Dust Bowl * 1933 Civilian Conservation Corps founded

    Was a period of time when dust storms ravaged the midwest due to over planting crops. The Civilian Conservation Corps is one of FDR's New Deal programs that help keep people employed through conservation.
  • Taylor Grazing Act

    It is a federal law that allows people to let animals graze on public lands to help range conditions.
  • Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act

    Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
    It is a stamp that must be purchased before hunting migratory birds such as ducks and geese. The money helps to save wetlands by conserving them.
  • Fish Plus Wildlife Service Founded

    Fish Plus Wildlife Service Founded
    Is an agency of the federal government that regulates and management of fish, wildlife, and natural habitats. It was formed in 1930.
  • Silent Springs by Rachel Carson

    Is a book that Rachel Carson wrote. It was about why we should not use pesticides because of its detrimental effects on the environment.
  • Clean Air Act

    Is a national act that was created to control air pollution on a national level.
  • Wilderness Act

    This act protects 9.1 million acres of federal land. It defined the word wilderness and was written by Howard Zahniser.
  • Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

    It is an act that protects natural rivers. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio, caught fire

    In 1969, the Cuyahoga river caught fire due to an oil slick in the river. The oil slick was caused from the industrialism of Cleveland and the pollution it caused.
  • Nepa

    An act that promotes the enhancement of the environment. It is a environmental law and was established by the President's Council on Environmental Quality.
  • First Earth Day

    Events are held annually worldwide that are demonstrated to show support for the Earth. The first Earth Day was held in 1970.
  • EPA established

    It is a federal agency that creates and enforces environmental and human health laws along with helping to keep them safe.
  • Clean Water Act

    It is a federal act that governs water pollution. It's goal is to maintain and keep the US water clean for everyone along with preventing pollution sources.
  • OPEC oil embargo

    It was the deemed " first oil crisis" because of the prices that rose from it. Gas in the US went from $3 a barrel to $12 a barrel.
  • Roland and Molina announce that CFC's are depleting the ozone layer

    Rowland and Molina claim that CFC's are breaking down the ozone layer. They announced this in
  • Endangered Species Act

    Was designed to help protect endangered animals from extinction. This law was signed into law by President Nixon on December 28th, 1973.
  • RCRA

    It is a federal law that governs the disposal of solid waste and hazardous waste.
  • Love Canal, NY( toxic wastes leak into residential houses)

    It was a town that had 22,000 barrels of toxic waste dumped underneath it. The citizens there were eventually moved because of their high red blood count cells and indications of leukemia.
  • Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident

    Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
    It was a nuclear meltdown in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. It was the largest nuclear disaster in the United States history.The meltdown occurred March 28th, 1979.
  • Alaskan Lands Acts

    It is a federal law passed on November 12th.1980. It set aside around 157,000,000 acres for national parks, national forests, national monuments, and wild and scenic rivers.

    It is a United States federal law that organizes the cleanups of contaminated waste areas( like Love Canal, NY). It was signed into law on December 11th, 1980
  • Exxon Valdez

    Exxon Valdez
    Was a tanker ship that ran aground at the Prince William sound and ended up spilling around 257,000 to 750,000 barrels of oil into the Alaskan waters.
  • Bhopal Incident

    The Union Carbide India Pesticide plant leaked out methyl isocyanate and other harmful gases. The disaster killed 3,787 people and injured 558,125 people. It is considered to be the worst industrial disaster of all time.
  • Chernobyl

    Was a nuclear reactor near Pripyat that exploded due to a meltdown during a stress test testing the stability of the reactor. As we now know, the stress test caused the meltdown and sent plumes of radioactive isotopes into the air causing the city of Pripyat and other cities nearby to be evacuated.
  • Montreal Protocol

    It is an international law that countries signed that is supposed to help protect the ozone layer from ozone depletion. It was enacted on
  • Energy Policy Act of 1992

    It was an act passed by Congress that set goals and mandates an amended some of our utility laws so that we can transfer over to using more clean energy.
  • Desert Protection Act

    Was an act passed by Congress and signed by Bill Clinton, it set up the Death Valley and Joshua Trees National Parks.
  • World Population hits 6 billion

    The world population hit six billion in 1999 with a baby being born in Sarajevo. The baby was born on October 12th, 1999
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Is an international treaty that requires the countries that signed it to reduce greenhouse emissions. This treaty was based off the facts that global warming exists, and that CO2 emissions, along with CFC's, have caused global warming.
  • BP Oil Spill

    BP Oil Spill
    It is the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. Eleven people went missing and were never found, and after 6 months of leaking, the well was reported to being sealed. But there have been some reports saying that the well is still leaking.
  • COP21

    It was a meeting held in Paris that wanted countries to try to reduce climate change. The treaty was then signed in New York and the countries hoped to achieve a negative 2 degrees celsius compared to the global warming degrees of other years. It was basically a treaty to reduce global warming.