AP Dates to Remember

  • 8000 BCE

    Beginnings of Agriculture

    Introduced patriarchy and allowed people to settle.
  • 3000 BCE

    Beginnings of Bronze Age - and early civilizations

    The Indian Bronze Age developed new techniques in metallurgy.
  • 1300 BCE

    Iron Age

    After Bronze Age, marked the use of Iron
  • 600 BCE

    Life of Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tsu (beginnings of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taosim)

    People were centralized in different groups.
    (6th Century BCE)
  • 500 BCE

    Greek Golden Age - philosophers, etc.

    This time laid foundations of Western civilization.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    He created an empire that stretched from Greece to Egypt into Northwest India and Pakistan.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin Unified China

    Fought through the warring states period
  • 32

    Beginnings of Christianity

    Viewed Jesus as the prophet
    (32 CE)
  • 180

    End of Pax Romana

    When death of Marcus Aurelias occurred
    (180 CE)
  • 220

    End of Han Dynasty

    From 189 to 220 CE, emperor Xian in ruling
    (220 CE)
  • 333

    Roman capital moved to Constantinople

    Originally called Byzantium
  • 400

    Beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

    Relied on trade
    (4th century)
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Invasions by barbarian tribes were involved.
  • 527

    Justinian rule of Byzantine Empire

    He wanted it to look extravagant.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Rise of Islam

    The religion was founded by Muhammad.
  • Jan 1, 732

    Battle of Tours (end of Muslim move into France)

    This was the end of the Muslim move into France.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    1st Schism in Christian Church

    This event divided Chalcedonian into Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Norman conquest of England

    Invasion and occupation was led by Duke William II of Normandy.
  • Jan 1, 1071

    Battle of Manzikert (Seljuk Turks over Byzantium)

    Was fought by Seljuk Turks for control of Byzantium.
  • Jan 1, 1095

    1st Crusade

    Sought to reclaim the holy lands.
  • Jan 1, 1258

    Mongols sack Baghdad

    Entailed the investment to Mongol forces
  • Jan 1, 1271

    Marco Polo’s travels

    Traveled on the Silk Road
  • Jan 1, 1324

    Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage

    Pilgrimage to Mecca and was West African emperor of Mali
  • Jan 1, 1325

    Travels of Ibn Battuta

    Traveled along coast of North Africa
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Bubonic plague in Europe

    Killed over half of Europe's population
  • Jan 1, 1433

    End of Zheng He’s voyages

    China closed off
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Ottomans capture Constantinople

    The fall of Constantinople
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope

    Dias was the Portuguese emperor and the Portuguese were behind in travel.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus / Reconquista of Spain

    Landed in the Carribbean and slaughtered lots of natives
  • Jan 1, 1502

    1st Slaves to Americas

    Introduced new agriculture and culture
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Martin Luther/95 theses

    This challenged the authority of the pope.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Cortez conquered the Aztecs

    Mexico becomes a part of the Spanish Empire
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Pizarro toppled the Inca

    End of 300 years of Inca civilization
  • Jan 1, 1571

    Battle of Lepanto (defeat of Ottoman Navy)

    The Ottoman Navy was defeated.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British

    Protestant propaganda victory
  • Battle of Sekigahara - unification of Japan - beginning of Tokugawa rule

    Involved the unification of Japan and the beginning of Tokugawa rule
  • Foundation of Jamestown

    The first successful English settlement
  • 30 years war

    Longest, most destructive conflicts in European history
  • Unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna

    Cumulated the Battle of Vienna
  • Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights

    Overthrown King James II of England
  • 7 years war/French and Indian War

    Fought between colonies of British America and New France
  • American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations

    Smith was highly concerned with the problems of poverty.
  • French Revolution Begins

    Social and political upheaval sparked by enlightenment concepts.
  • French revolution begins

    Social and political upheaval sparked by enlightenment concepts.
  • Haitian Independence

    Used French Revolution as a prime example.
  • Haitian independence

    Used French revolution as an example.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Reorganized Europe after the Napoleon wars.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Re-organized Europe after the Napoleonic wars.
  • Independence in Latin America

    Were revolutions and the they slipped out of the hands of Iberian powers.
  • Independence of Latin America

    Were revolutions and they slipped out of the hands of the Iberian powers.
  • 1st Opium War in China

    Included a drug that tore the Chinese society apart.
  • First opium war in China

    Opium was a drug that tore the Chinese society apart
  • European Revolutions

    Marx and Engles write Communist Manifesto.
  • European revolutions

    Marxs and Engles write communist manifesto
  • Commodore Perry Opens Japan

    The opening of trade and Japanese ports.
  • Commodore Perry opens Japan

    Opening trade and Japanese sports
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Indian rebellion of 1857, this was only the beginning.
  • Sepoy mutiny

    Indian rebellion of 1857 this was only beginning.
  • End of the Russian Serfdom/Italian Unification.

    Allowed all classes (except serfs) to own land.
  • End of the Russian serfdom/Italian unification

    Allowed all classes (except service) to own land
  • Emancipation Proclamation in the US

    Issued by Abraham Lincoln and changed the status to this African-Americans from slavery to freedom.
  • Emancipation proclamation of the United States

    Issued by Abraham Lincoln and changed the status of African Americans from slave to free.
  • German unification

    Into a politically and administratively integrated nation-state
  • German unification

    Into a politically and administratively integrated nation state
  • Berlin couference

    Divided Africa into separate spheres of influence between European countries
  • Berlin couference

    Divided Africa into separate spheres of influence between European countries.
  • Spanish-American war

    US acquires the Philippines, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico
  • Spanish American war

    US acquires Philippines, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico
  • 1899-1902 Beur war

    British in control of South Africa, fought between the United Kingdom and the south African republic.
  • 1899/1902 Buer war

    British in control of south Africa, fought between the united kingdom and the south African republic.
  • Russian-Japanese war

    established Japan as a world power
  • 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution

    A major armed struggle as an attempt to overthrow an authoritarian president
  • Chinese revolution

    Ended Dynastic China and opened china up to communism
  • WW1 Begins

    introduced new technology while they still fought with old technology
  • Russian revolution

    inspired the Soviet union to rise after getting rid of the tsar
  • treaty of Versailles

    was an unfair treaty that ended World War I while blaming it on the Germans
  • stock market crash

    resulted in the great depression
  • Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese had occupied several strategical points in south Manchuria
  • Italian invasion of Ethiopia

    Ethiopia experienced the first Nazi-fascist aggression
  • German blitzkreig in Poland.

    German Soviet pact stated that Poland was to be partitioned between the two powers
  • Pearl Harbor

    brought America into world war two
  • End of WWII

    Communism them then took over Germany and esected the Berlin wall
  • Independence and partition of India

    India gains independence from British colonies
  • Birth of Israel

    The Jewish homeland
  • Chinese communist revolution

    Followed models of the Soviet union
  • 1950-1953 Korean War

    A war between North and South Korea, by July American troops had fought for the south while China fought for the north
  • Vietnamese defeat French at Dren Bien Phv

    Ended French colonial rule in Vietnam
  • De Stalinization/nationalization of Suez Canal

    made the conflict look inheritable
  • Cuban Revolution

    included the Cuban missile crisis
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    marked a success in the Soviet union because Cuba underwent communism without help
  • 6 day war/ Chinese cultural revolution

    Occurred in order to reassert now Zedong's authority over Chinese government.
  • Yom Kippur War

    hoped to win back territory lost to Israel during the third Arab-Israeli War
  • Iranian Revolution

    Refers to the events that followed the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty
  • 1st Palestine Intifada

    was a Palastine uprising against Israeli occupation
  • Tianaman Square

    fall of Berlin wall
  • Fall of USSR/1st Gulf war

    Ended communism/Iraqi leader, Saddam hussein, ordered the invasion and occupation of Kuwait
  • genocide in Rwanda/1st all race elections in south Africa

    Slaughter of Tutsi and Hutu
  • 9/11

    Terrorism was imposed on the twin towers