
  • 1 CE

    The beginning of Antisemitism

    Antisemitism started because the Jews didn't want to follow the Roman laws and gods because they took over. As a result they were labeled as outcast and "stubborn". Also from the making of Christianity, Jews were not liked by Christians. They were in ghetto's.
  • 1500

    Antisemitism in Europe

    Because of Christianity, the Jews were basically like outsiders and they were isolated from Christians and they were sectioned in cities and in towns.
  • Race

    The Jews were being discriminated by their "race" (it was first nationality and then it is genetics) since they were the master race "Aryans" will were "Semites" and this was the use of the actually word of Antisemitism.
  • Rasict Thinking

    Racist thinking was good and respectable.
  • Antisemitism in Germany

    Adolf Hitler was prime minster and he was slowly taking the rights of the Jews away from them. Hitler was saying that the Jews were everywhere but really there wasn't many Jews.
  • Camps

    By 1943 they were dying in camps and they can go to gas cambers.
  • Thousands a day

    In 1944 they were killing thousands a day.