Anna's Four-Event Timeline

By Ash29
  • Mastering the Piano: Industry vs. Inferiority

    Mastering the Piano: Industry vs. Inferiority
    Anna (age 9) began to master playing the piano after 3 years of lessons from her parents who play piano as well; actively encouraging her to be able to pick it up just as easily. In industry vs. Inferiority, the crisis is between being able to succeed in acquiring knowledge or learning a skill expected of one's cultural upbringing. If successful, this creates confidence in one's self, but if unsuccessful, this can create a sense of inferiority for not accomplishing what was expected of them.
  • Declaring a college major: Identity vs. Identity Confusion

    Declaring a college major: Identity vs. Identity Confusion
    Anna (age 18) has decided to major in education to become an elementary school teacher. In identity vs. identity confusion (adolescence), the crisis is between finding out what you are capable of, what your goals are, and what your place is within your culture. Identity confusion happens when you are not able to figure out who you are in conext of these things.
  • Moving in with Long Term Partner: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Moving in with Long Term Partner: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Anna (age 26) and her boyfriend of two years have decided to move in together. In intimacy vs. isolation (early adulthood), the crisis is between opening yourself up to another person in order to be in an intimate relationhip with another or remaining too closed off and not being able to risk your identity by getting hurt emotionally. In turn, you can end up being without someone because of the inability to be vulnerable with another person enough to be in an intimate partnership.
  • Volunteering to be a Math Tutor for High School Students: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Volunteering to be a Math Tutor for High School Students: Generativity vs. Stagnation
    Anna (age 51) has volunteered to help tutor high school students in math at one of the schools in her city. In generativity vs. stagnation, the crisis is between helping out future generations by caring for them and fostering skills needed to succeed in life vs focusing primarily on one's own needs during this time which creates a stagnation at this tme in life (middle adulthood).