Angel velasquez WWII timeline

  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    The Japanese invasion of china was a military conflict fought primarily between the republic of china and the empire of japan. This war was due to the result of a decades long japanese imperialist pollitically. The effects of this were the deaths of over 29 million civilians and war personel.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl harbor is an army base in Hawaii that was attacked by the chinese. pearl harbor occured in world war two and was a devistating attack on the the United States. The U.S. lost 2,000 soldiers along with the the two boats named the USS Arazona and the USS Oklahoma.
  • Germans blitzkraig

    Germans blitzkraig
    Blitzkreig was a geramn test sight but also was once a city. Germany used blitzkraig as a test sight for new war technologies. thsi left the place looking like a disaster zone.
  • D-Day

    D-day was an attack on germnany by the United states. The purpose of the attack was to help take back parts of Europe that had been taken first by Adolf Hitler and the nazi soldiers. D-Day was a successed attempt and was the begining of hope for the European nations.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Iwo Jima was a key island in the Bonin chain was sparked by the desire for a place where B-29 bombers damaged over Japan could land without returning all the way to the Marianas, Iwo Jima was defended by roughly 23,000 Japanese army and navy troops, and it was attacked by three marine divisions after preparatory air and naval bombarding
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    The battle of okinawa involved the 287,000 troops of the U.S. Tenth Army against 130,000 soldiers of the Japanese Thirty second Army. air bases were vital to the projected invasion of Japan. Japan lost more than 77,000 soldiers and the Allies had suffered more than 65,000 casualties casualties—including 14,000 dead.
  • VE day

    VE day
    Victory in Europe Day, also known as V-E Day, was the day to mark the acceptance by the Allies of World War II and of Germany's surrender of its armed forces.
  • Droping of atomic bombs

    Droping of atomic bombs
    an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion wiped out 90 percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people. thousands more would later die of radiation Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki, killing 40,000 people.
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    VJ day was the day of celebration to the end of WWII. The japanese had surrendered on a boat at sea. this impacted the world seeing as there would be no more voilence between the allies and the german/chinese
  • Germanys invasion of poland

    Germanys invasion of poland
    the invasion of poland, also known as the September campaign, was the day that german soldiers over took polands military and captured the country. This action was due to hitlers comands and yerning for world domination. the result of this was the killing of the jews in poland.