Andrew Jackson

  • The election of 1824

    The election of 1824
    The election of 1824 was very unfair and is known as the corrupt bargain because Andrew Jackson the hero of the war of 1812 and John Quincy Adams ran for president. A man named Henry Clay the 4th place in the popular vote convinced the House of Representatives to vote vor John Quincy Adams. The ending of this was Adams winning the election
  • The nullification Crisis

    The nullification Crisis
    There was a protective tariff that hurt the southern economy. Vice president John C Calhoun believed in states rights, so Couth Carolina passed the nullification act which made the tariff. However the crisis was solved when Henry Clay lowerd the tariffs but gave the president more power if a state threatend to seceed.
  • The election of 1828

    The election of 1828
    The election of 1828 was a rematch against John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, Jackson got 139222 more populay votes then adams 29 more electoral votes, and the south provided him with the most support. The ending result was Jackson winning.
  • Indian Removal Act 1830-1834

    Indian Removal Act 1830-1834
    The Indian Removal act allowed the president to move indians across the missisippi river. This impacted the U.s because it allowed expansion but affected the indians because they had to leave their homes and many died on the journey.
  • Worcester vs Georgia

    Worcester vs Georgia
    After the indian removal act was passed only "special non native americans were allowed to own that certain piece of land. But Sam Worchester and his family refused to give up that land that was labeled indian territory. After they got arrested Worchester appealed to the court he claimed that it affecetd the 1st ammendment, when the verdict came in John Marchall ruled in favor of Worchester proving Georgia gov. did not have power to enforce law of land.
  • The National Bank War

    The National Bank War
    Jackson thought the national bank was unconstitutional Jackson also thought that the president of the bank was using the bank to make profit for himself Jackson decided to uncharter it but it made the us go into debt. It ended getting recharted.