An Unexpected Finding

  • Neutron in Italy

    Uranium with an atomic number of 92, had the most protons of nay known element.
  • Curiosity in Berlin

    A team began investigating neutron-induced uranium decay
  • unexpected finding count. in Berlin

    By 1937, Hahn was sure of the chemical evidence of transuranes.
  • Meitner's Exile

    The political situation in Germany had become dangerous for Meitner
  • A Shocking Discovery

    On January 3, 1939 Hahn wrote " I am quite certain that the two of you really do have a splitting to Ba, and I find that to be a truly beautiful result, for which I most heartily congratulate you and Srassman"
  • Noble Prize

    Hahn was awarded the Noble Prize in chemistry in 1944. Lise Meitner did not receive the corresponding physics prize, and Lisa was not recognized for her role where she first explained and named until after her death in 1968