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American revolution

By sestack
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    John Locke was a British philosopher. His views on human nature and the rights of "life, liberty and property" had a great impact on events leading up to the Revolutionary War. His writings inspired Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence.
  • Charles Montesquieu

    Charles Montesquieu
    Charles Montesquieu was a French philosopher. He believed that government should be separated into 3 parts for a balance of power. His writings supported individual liberty and property which influenced the founding fathers in the writing of the US Constitution.
  • Samuel Adams

    Samuel Adams
    Samuel Adams is sometimes called the father of the American Revolution. He fought for freedom from Britain as a leader in the Sons of Liberty. These protests influenced the 13 colonies towards revolution.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    Paul Revere is known for his midnight ride through Lexington and Concord to warn that the British were coming. He was a leader of the Sons of Liberty who participated in the Boston Tea Party and other protests that led to the American Revolution.
  • John Hancock

    John Hancock
    John Hancock played a large role leading up to the Revolutionary War as a leader of the Sons of Liberty. This political group fought to liberate the colonies from British rule and taxation. He is most known for his signature on The Declaration of Independence.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers and author of the Declaration of Independence. He played a large role in the Revolutionary War by uniting the 13 American colonies to fight for independence from Britain.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War began between France and Britain for control over North American land and spread through Europe to become the Seven Years War.
  • George and Martha Washington

    George and Martha Washington
    George Washington's marriage to Martha, a wealthy widow, brought him to the center of the action in Virginia. Washington was appointed commander of the Continental Army in 1775 based on his military experience in the French and Indian War.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by Britain after the French and Indian War to limit settlers from expanding their territories west. It was meant to encourage cooperation between the colonists and Native Americans. Instead it caused unrest that led to the Revolutionary War.
  • Abigail and John Adams

    Abigail and John Adams
    Abigail and John Adams were married in 1764 and contributed greatly to the cause of the American Revolution. Abigail was well educated and became John's closest political advisor. John was a founding father and served in many political positions.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act was a law by the British Parliament taxing all printed materials used by the American colonists.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre began as a riot between American colonists that turned deadly when British soldiers shot several people in the crowd. This conflict and others led to The Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was the first political protest against Britain for imposing taxes through the Tea Act. The Sons of Liberty dumped over 300 hundred crates of tea into the harbor to show their outrage. Conflicts and unrest like these continued for several years and resulted in the American Revolution.
  • Minutemen

    Minutemen were self trained colonists named for their readiness for battle in a minute's notice. They held their own at the first Battle of Lexington and Concord which began the American Revolution.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord marked the beginning of the American Revolution. The colonists were successful in driving the British soldiers back and were encouraged to keep up the fight by a low number of deaths.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts was the most important and deadliest battle of the Revolutionary War. Even though it was seen as a victory for the British, it became a battle cry for the American soldiers to continue their fight for independence.
  • Hessians

    Hessians were hired by the British to fight in the Revolutionary War. They fought well in many battles including White Plains and Fort Washington.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a document written by Thomas Jefferson that started the separation of the 13 colonies from British rule. It highlighted the right to choose their own government and became the basis for the American Revolution.
  • French Alliance

    French Alliance
    The French Alliance was a treaty between the colonies and the French giving both military support in the middle of the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States. It established American independence and set up boundaries for the new nation.