American Lit Timeline

  • 1450

    The Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy

    by Dekanawidah
  • 1490

    The Epidemic of the 19th Century

    The Epidemic of the 19th Century
    Most of the Native/Indigenous people were wiped out when Europeans began arriving in large numbers. It was during the Colombian Exchange when the Europeans brought diseases into the Americas that the Natives had not been exposed to previously which caused many deaths.
  • Sep 12, 1492

    Christopher Colombus discovers America

    Christopher Colombus discovers America
    Christopher Columbus, a European adventurer, lands in the Bahamas for the first time.
  • Period: to

    Colonial Period

    The Colonial Period was a time period where people wrote about their experiences in Colonial America. Many talked about what the future of America would be. It was during this time that America also became a country and it was being discussed what was right from wrong.
  • Founding of Jamestown

  • Mayflower Compact

    by William Brewster
  • Pilgrims establish Plymouth Colony

    Pilgrims establish Plymouth Colony
    The Pilgrims, who landed in what is now Massachusetts, came over from England because they were seeking religious freedom. The Pilgrims influenced religion in the United States.
  • To My Dear and Loving Husband

    by Anne Bradstreet
  • Before the Birth of One of Her Children

    by Anne Bradstreet
  • Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs .Mary Rowlandson

    by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
    She was captured on February 1676 by a group of Indians.
  • Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    by Jonathan Edwards
  • Reason and Revolution (Franklin on Self Improvement)

    by Benjamin Franklin
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • On Being Brought From Africa to America

  • Adams Family Letters

    by John Adams and Abigail Adams
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    by Thomas Jefferson
  • The United States gains independence from Great Britain

    The Declaration of Independence is signed which officially made the US a country.
  • Washington's Inaugural Address

    by George Washington
  • George Washington becomes president

    George Washington becomes president
    George Washington becomes the first president of the United States. He is known as one of the founding fathers because of his guidance in the Revolutionary War and for taking part in the creation of the Constitution.
  • The Cotton Gin is Pattened

    The cotton gin was designed to separate the seeds in cotton in a more efficient way. It was invented by Eli Whitney and boosted the need for slaves rather than lessen it. It created the need for more labor as the cotton gin began to produce larger amounts of cotton than before.
  • The War of 1812

  • Frederick Douglass is born

    Frederick Douglass is born
    Frederick Douglass was born in Cordova, Maryland as a slave. However he escaped to reach freedom and became an abolitionist, journalist, and human rights activist. He is known for his great efforts to end slavery.
  • RIp Van Winkle

    by Washington Irving
  • Emily Dickenson is born

    Emily Dickenson is born
    Poet Emily Dickinson is born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, MA. Her poems went against societal norms which influenced future literature.
  • Period: to

    The Romantic Period

    This period was when authors began to write about love and emotions. One famous piece was that of Nathaniel Hawthorne, who wrote "Young Goodman Brown."
  • Young Goodman Brown

    by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Self-Reliance

    by Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The Lake Gun

    by James Fenimore Cooper
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    by Harriet Beecher Stowe
  • Bartleby the Scrivener

    by Herman Melville
  • Tell All The Truth But Tell it Slant

    by Emily DIckenson
  • Walden

    by Henry David Thoreau
  • My Bondage and My Freedom

    by Frederick Douglass
  • Running A Thousand Miles To Freedom

    by William and Ellen Craft
  • Fame is a Bee

    by Emily Dickenson
  • "Hope" is a Thing With Feathers

    by Emily Dickenson
  • I Felt A Funeral- In My Brain

    by Emily DIckenson
  • The Civil War begins

    The Civil War begins
    The Civil War began after confederate states, fighting for their slave laws, attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Confederate states had rebelled against the Union when they learned that their slave laws were at risk after Abraham Lincoln was elected for presidency.
  • I Heard a Fly Buzz- When I Died

    by Emily Dickenson
  • Forever- is Compposed of Nows

    by Emily Dickenson
  • You Left Me- Sire- Two Legacies

    by Emily Dickenson
  • John Lamar

    by Rebecca Harding Davis
  • I Could Not Stop For Death

    by Emily Dickenson
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ends
    After 4 years, the Civil War comes to an end when the Confederate states leader, Robert E. Lee, surrenders.The end of the the Civil war declared the freedom for slaves.
  • The 13th Amendment is passed

    The 13th Amendment is passed
    Congress officially passes the 13th amendment which abolishes slavery in all states.
  • The Bustle in a House

    by Emily DIckenson
  • The Author to Her Book

    by Anne Bradstreet
  • Period: to

    Realism and Naturalism

    The Realism and Naturalism era was the time period that came after the Civil War. After they had seen the damage that was done by the war, they wrote about nature and the beauty of life.
  • There is No Frigate Like a Book

    by Emily Dickenson
  • I Will Fight No More Forever

    by Chief Joseph
  • The Story of An Hour

    by Kate Chopin
  • Period: to

    The Modernist Period

    This was an era that took place while the Great Depression had caused devastation. Authors wrote about the loss and grieved through their literature.
  • Bernice Bobs Her Hair

    by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Allen Ginsburg is born

    Allen Ginsburg is born
    Allen Ginsburg was born on June 5, 1926, in Newark, New Jersey. Ginsburg was a famous writer and poet, known for starting the Beat Movement. In the 1940's, he met with colleagues Lucien Carr, William S. Burroughs, and Jack Keruac.
  • A Rose For Emily

    by William Faulkner
  • Period: to

    The Beat Generation

    The Beat Generation was a literary and cultural movement that originated when Allen Ginsburg, and three other popular writers began publishing works that went against cultural norms.
  • A Supermarket in California

    by Allen Ginsberg
  • The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

    by Ursula K LeGuin