American Imperialism Timeline

  • Monroe Doctrine

    A letter Monroe wrote stating that the European powers were obligated to respect the Western Hemisphere as the United States sphere of interest.
  • Alaska

    The United States bought Alaska for $7.2 million.
  • McKinley Tariff

    Tariff became law boosting protective tariff rates of nearly 50 percent on average for many American products.
  • De Lome Letter

    A note written by Señor Don Enrique Dupuy de Lôme, the Spanish Ambassador to the United States, to Don José Canalejas, the Foreign Minister of Spain, reveals de Lôme’s opinion about the Spanish involvement in Cuba and US President McKinley’s diplomacy.
  • Spanish American War

    The start of a war between Spain and America.
  • Teller amendement

    Ensured that the United States could not permanently acquire Cuba.
  • US Congress votes to go to war with Spain

    A vote was held to discuss whether or not to go to war with Spain.
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    The USS Maine blew up in Havana Harbor and Spain was blamed.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    One of the battles between American and Spain during the war between the two.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Hawaii was made a part of United States.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty that ended the war between America and Spain.
  • Annexation of Philippines

    The Philippines was given to America as a part of the Treaty of Paris.
  • Open Door Policy

    A policy that all countries were allowed to trade with China.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    A rebellion by a secret Chinese organization because of all the foreign forces in China.
  • Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

    A treaty allowed the United States to build the Panama Canal.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Stating that the US would ensure that the other nations in the Western hemisphere fulfilled their obligations and didn't violate the rights of the US.
  • US and the Panama Canal

    The US payed and got the right for the land to build the Panama Canal on.
  • The Great White Fleet

    A fleet of American ships that went around the world to display their power.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    President William Howard Taft’s policy of influencing Latin American affairs through economic influence rather than military force.
  • Battle of Manilla

    A battle in the Spanish-American war that the US won.