American History Timeline

  • Rhode Island Becomes a State

    Rhode Island Becomes a State
    Rhode Island becomes the 13th state in the United States. It is the smallest state in the United States.
  • The Bill of Rights is Ratified

    The Bill of Rights is Ratified
    The Bill of Rights is ratified also know as the 10 amendments.
  • Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney impacted the industrial revolution with the invention of interchangeable parts. Interchangeable parts was a faster way of fixing things and buildings things, it was also more economic. Eli also invited the cotton gin which made a huge impact in the mass production of cotton in the South. It also made a huge impact in the population of slaves, the more cotton that grew, the more slaves they needed to pick it. The cotton was then used in factories across the states.
  • George Washington's Retirement

    George Washington's Retirement
    George Washington's presidency ends after serving two terms in office. He writes his farewell address giving some warning to America.
  • John Adam Takes Office

    John Adam Takes Office
    John Adam took office on March 4, 1979 becoming the 2nd president of the United States. John Adam was a leading member of the Continental Congress, he also played an important role in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    On March 4, 1801 Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd president of the United States. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in only 17 days. It went on to become one the best written documents in America. Thomas Jefferson also made the Louisiana purchase, doubling the size of the United States. Jefferson sent twl explorers named Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the new land he had purchased. Thomas Jefferson was considered one of the greatest presidents of the U.S.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    On April 30, 1803 Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase. The purchase was from From France and it doubled the size of the United States.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark Expedition
    On March 14, 1804 Lewis and Clark set out to explore the new land President Thomas Jefferson purchased, which was Louisiana.
  • The Abolitionist Movement

    The Abolitionist Movement
    The Abolitionist Movement was a movement to end all slavery in the United States. It's message was that all men are created equally.
  • James Madison Tales Office

    James Madison Tales Office
    On March 4, 1809 James Madison became the 4th president of the United States. James Madison made a major contribution to the ratificacion of the Constitution by writing The Federalist Papers.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The War of 1812 was a war against the United States and Great Britain. The War lasted two and a half years and when it ended, both United States and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Ghent.
  • Transcontinental Treaty

    Transcontinental Treaty
    The Transcontinental Tresty was the purchase of Florida. The treaty was between the U.S and Florida.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Created in 1820 by Henry Clay, the Missouri Compromise was a series of laws enacted in 1820 to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states. In 1819 there were 11 slave States and 11 free states. The Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri to become a slave state. At the same time Maine became a free state.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    Monroe Doctrine was a policy regarding European Countries. It stated that further efforts by European Nations to colonize territory would be a threat towards the United States.
  • Thomas Jeffersons and John Adams Death

    Thomas Jeffersons and John Adams Death
    Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were very close friends. They both worked on te Declaration of Independence. They were both presidents of the United States. They also died on the same day, July 4, 1826. Thomas Jefferson died hours after John Adam.
  • New York Let's Slaves Free

    New York Let's Slaves Free
    All slaves in New York are freed.
  • Nat Turner and his Rebellion

    Nat Turner and his Rebellion
    Nat Turner led one of the most famous rebellion. On August 21, Turner and 70 slave friends went to cotton plantations killing whites and freeing slaves. Turner and his followers killed 55 white men, women, and children. His rebellion put fear in the south, so the white Militia killed over 200 blacks including Nat Turner in revenge.
  • The Campaign for Free Public Education

    The Campaign for Free Public Education
    Horace Mann led a campaign to give free public education to Massachusetts.
  • Declaration of Sentiments

    Declaration of Sentiments
    The Declaration of Sentiments was a document that stated how women felt across the United States and how they wanted the rights to vote.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    The Mexican-American War was a war between the United States and Mexico. United States wanted Texas which Mexico considered part of there country.