American History Second Semester

  • FDR is born

    FDR is born
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt is born in Hyde Park, New York.
  • Eisenhower is born

    Eisenhower is born
    Dwight D. Eisenhower is born
  • Ronald Reagan Born

    Ronald Reagan Born
    Ronald Reagan is born.
  • Nixon is born

    Nixon is born
    Future president Richard Nixon is born.
  • JFK birth

    JFK birth
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy is born.
  • Roosevelt is elected President

    Roosevelt is elected President
    FDR defeats incumbent Herbert Hoover in the 1932 presidential race.
  • First 100 days

    First 100 days
    Roosevelt sent Congress a record number of bills in order to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression, marking the beginning of his First New Deal.
  • Second New Deal

    Second New Deal
    FDR begins his Second New Deal including the WPA, Social Security, and the Wagner Act
  • 1936 elections

    1936 elections
    FDR destroys Republican Alf Landon in the second largest popular vote win since 1820.
  • Election of 1940

    Election of 1940
    FDR causes controversy after breaking tradition by running for a third presidential term. He would go on to beat Wendell Wilkie.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which relocated hundreds of thousands of the "Issei" (first generation of Japanese immigrants who did not have U.S. citizenship) and their children, "Nisei" (who had dual citizenship). They were forced to give up their properties and businesses, and transported to hastily built camps in interior, harsh locations.
  • D-Day

    Franklin D. Roosevelt and other allied countries undertake the invasion of Normandy, France, in order to liberate France from German occupation.
  • George Bush Born

    George Bush Born
    George W. Bush is born
  • Bill Clinton birth

    Bill Clinton birth
    Bill Clinton is born.
  • Eisenhower takes office

    Eisenhower takes office
    Eisenhower defeats Adlai Stevenson in the '52 elections.
  • Interstate Highway System

    Interstate Highway System
    Eisenhower saw a need to improve American Transportation and thus implemented the Interstate Highway System
  • 1956 Presidential election

    1956 Presidential election
    Eisenhower successfully runs for re-election.
  • NASA

    Eisenhower begins the Space Age by creating NASA
  • Kennedy elected President

    Kennedy elected President
    John F. Kennedy defeats Nixon in the 1960 presidential race.
  • Peace Corps

    Peace Corps
    JFK establishes the Peace Corps by signing executive order 10924.
  • Bay Of Pigs

    Bay Of Pigs
    JFK orders the Bay of Pigs invasion in attempts to overthrow dictator Fidel Castro
  • Obama is born

    Obama is born
    Barack Hussein Obama II is born in Honolulu.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    John F. Kennedy prevents full scale nuclear war in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    Kennedy is shot while riding in a Dallas motercade.
  • Nixon elected president

    Nixon elected president
    Former president Richard Nixon defeats Herbert Humphrey in the 1968 elections.
  • America wins the Space Race

    America wins the Space Race
    The United States wins the Space Race, becoming the first country to land on the moon.
  • Nixon desegregates schools

    Nixon desegregates schools
    The Nixon presidency was the first administration to witness large scale desegregation of schools, and by 1970, less than 10 percent of black kids went to public schools.
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China
    Relations between the US and China begin to normalize as Nixon visits China.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Nixon resigns as president as the Watergate Scandal unfolds.
  • End Of Vietnam War

    End Of Vietnam War
    Nixon ends the 20 year involvement in Vietnam when he brings US troops home.
  • Reagan is elected president

    Reagan is elected president
    Reagan destroys opponent Jimmy Carter on the electoral map and becomes president.
  • Reagan Assassination Attempt

    Reagan Assassination Attempt
    On March 30, 1981, only 69 days into the new administration, Reagan, his press secretary James Brady, Washington police officer Thomas Delahanty, and Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy were struck by gunfire from would-be assassin John Hinckley Jr. outside the Washington Hilton hotel.
  • War on Drugs

    War on Drugs
    Reagan announces a War on Drugs in 1982, in response to concerns about the increasing crack epidemic.
  • Iran Contra

    Iran Contra
    The Reagan Administration goes under fire as the Iran Contra scandal unfolds.
  • Berlin is reunited

    Berlin is reunited
    Berlin is reunited when Ronald Reagan orders Mikhail Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall!"
  • 1992 Election

    1992 Election
    Bill Clinton wins over incumbent George H.W. Bush
  • Family and Medical Leave Act

    Family and Medical Leave Act
    President Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act. The law, which covers over 42 million Americans, offers workers up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-guaranteed leave for child birth, adoption, or personal or family illness.
  • The Brady Bill

    The Brady Bill
    President Clinton signs the Brady Bill which mandated background checks and waiting periods for purchasing firearms.
  • Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act

    Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
    Clinton's Crime Bill provides 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 Billion in funding, and bans assault weapons.
  • Election of 1996

    Election of 1996
    Bill Clinton resumes office as he beats Bob Dole in the '96 elections.
  • George Bush elected

    George Bush elected
    Bush defeats Gore in the controversial 2000 presidential race. He won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote.
  • Patriot Act

    Patriot Act
    Bush signs the Patriot Act in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
  • Iraq War

    Iraq War
    President George W. Bush invades Iraq under the false pretenses that Sudaam Hussein possessed nuclear weapons.
  • George Bush Re-elected

    George Bush Re-elected
    Bush is re-elected after beating Democrat John Kerry
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
    The senate passes Obama's multi-billion dollar stimulus package in order to end the recession.
  • Obama is elected

    Obama is elected
    History is made when Barack Obama becomes the first Black President.
  • The Affordable Care Act

    The Affordable Care Act
    President Obama signs his signature legislation into law, the Affordable Care Act (Otherwise known as Obamacare).
  • Dodd-Frank

    Obama signs a modern day Glass-Steagall, known as Dodd-Frank, in order to regulate banks that caused the recession
  • Osama Bin Laden is Killed

    Osama Bin Laden is Killed
    Obama orders Seal Team-Six to eliminate Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden
  • Obama is re-elected

    Obama is re-elected
    President Obama re-assumes office after winning against Mitt Romney.