Daniel Dennett (1942-Present)

  • Intentional Stance

    Dennett proposed the concept of intentional systems, suggesting that to understand complex entities (like animals or robots) we can treat their behavior as if they have mental states like beliefs and desires. This influential idea is explored in his book "The Intentional Stance" (1987). Dennett, D. C. (Daniel Clement). The Intentional Stance. Cambridge, Mass. :MIT Press, 1987.
  • Multiple Drafts Model of Consciousness

    This model suggests consciousness isn't a single, unified experience but arises from multiple, competing drafts of thought happening simultaneously in the brain. Daniel Dennett and Kathleen Akins (2008) Multiple drafts model. Scholarpedia, 3(4):4321.
  • Darwin's Dangerous Idea

    Dennett argued that consciousness is a product of evolution, not something separate from the physical world. He explored this idea in his influential book "Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life". He argued that natural selection is a powerful "universal acid" that can explain not just biological evolution but also cultural and scientific development. Dennett, D. C. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1995.
  • Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon

    This book explores the evolutionary origins of religion and suggests that it can be understood as a complex cultural adaptation. Dennett, D. C. Breaking the Spell: Religion As a Natural Phenomenon. New York, Viking, 2006.