Akrits Civil War Timeline

  • Galveston Battle

    Union forces were creating a blockade at Texas's main port to slow down the economy of Texas. Paul O. Herbert thought the port was indefensible so he took all the heavy artillery and moved it someplace else. Due to this, Texas had to recapture the port but they were successful.
  • The Battle of Sabine Pass

    After the confederates gave up Sabine Pass in 1862 they saw massive potential in it so they went to reclaim it. They beat thousands of union troops with their 47. Union forces called for backup but the backup arrived too late and was of no significance to the battle. The main reason the Texans won is due to the Sabine River's narrow path grounding 3 warships and superior information from a lighthouse several hundred yards away from the Sabine River.
  • The Battle of Palmito Ranch

    This was the last battle of the Civil War but the confederates won this battle but lost the Civil War.The Union attempted to invade Texas so that they would surrender like the other confederate states.The confederates were informed of the Union's whereabouts by people on the Mexican side of the river. The Unions men found the confederate camps empty and decided to feed themselves and their horses until they saw a huge confederate force show up. The confederates forced the Union's to retreat.