
  • Period: to

    Road to Revalution

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act was when Parliament taxed all paper like stamps, letters, & paper. Parliament taxed paper becausse Great Britian was in great dept after the French & Indian War.
  • Townshed Act

    Townshed Act
    Great Britian and Parliament started the Townshed Act to help them with the dept that they had. It taxed imported goods like glass, paint, & tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A crowd of colinist gathered around an argument beetween a British soilders & a colinist because the colinist were insulting the soilders. So the British soilders started shooting and killed 5 and 1 of them was Cripus Attuck
  • Committee of Correspondence

    Committee of Correspondence
    Samuel Adams & other colonial leaders started the "Committee of Correspondence" in 1772. It was a group that that meets to make decisions by writing letters.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Psatriots were mad that Great Britian put a tax on the tea. So they dressed as Mohaxks Indians and dumped most of the tea in the Boston Harber.
  • Coercive Act

    Coercive Act
    Parlement passed the Coersive Act as a punishment for the Boston Tea Party. Colinist called it a the ''Intolerable Act" because it was severe. Parliment closed the Boston Port until the colinist paid for the tea they dumped
  • Lexington & Concord

    Lexington & Concord
    Colinist learned that British wanted to destroy all the weapons that the colinist had. So one night Paul Revere & William Dawes rode off to warn the colinist that the British were coming