Acts imposed by British and French

  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    What was it: The Sugar Act was an act that raised the price of sugar in the Colonies. The British Government did this because they needed more money for their army in the Colonies.
    Colonists Reaction: This angered the colonists because they felt that the taxation was unfair without representation
    Governments Reaction: The British Government repealed the Sugar Act later on because of the backlash from the Colonists.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    what was it: The stamp act required that all paper products produced in the colonies be made on British Stamped Paper. This also upped the price of the products which angered the colonists. The British did this to help pay for troops stationed in the Colonies.
    Colonists Reaction: The colonists reacted by protesting in the streets. They also boycotted a lot of British goods. This lead to the beginnings of the Revolutionary War.
    British Reaction: The British eventually repealed the stamp act
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    What it Was: The British Government requiring the American people to house their soldiers and feed them.
    Colonists Reaction: The Colonists refused to quarter the Armies, which angered the government
    British Reaction: Angered the Government and lead to a conflict between some of the soldiers and some of the colonists
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    What was it: It imposed taxes on a number of goods that could only be imported from Britain, and were not produced in the Colonies
    Colonists Reaction: Colonists met it with heavy resistance
    British Reaction: Tried their hardest to enforce it, which lead to the Boston Massacre