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Cold War

By mr.gmz
  • Origin of the term

    Origin of the term
    The term Cold War has been attributed to US financier and presidential advisor Bernard Baruch. On April 16, 1947, Baruch gave a speech in which he said: Let's not fool ourselves: we are immersed in a cold war »
  • The conflict

    The conflict
    The Cold War was a political, economic, social, military, informative, scientific, and sporting confrontation initiated at the end of World War II between the United States, and The Soviet Union.
  • The war

    The war
    The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc (the United States, its NATO allies and others) and powers in the Eastern Bloc (the Soviet Union and its satellite states).
  • Alliances

    The main military alliances during the Cold War were NATO, run by the Americans, and the Soviet Pact of Warsaw.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Vietnam was partitioned into the communist North and the democratic South. Laos and Cambodia were set up as independent states.The Truman doctrine dictated that the USA would assist the new democracy of South Vietnam. During the cold war, the USA was terrified that many other countries might become communist and help the USSR. The domino theory of communism says that if one country is knocked over by the communist threat, soon all the nearby countries will become communist as well.
  • Missils of Cuba

    Missils of Cuba
    The United States breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba because Fidel Castro comes to power.
    Fidel began to have relations with the URS, due to the geographical situation of Cuba, the URS decided to put missiles in its coasts pointing to the United States. This caused the United States to block the arrival of the missiles to Cuba.
    After an agreement Cuba dismantled the missiles
  • The end of Cold War

    The end of Cold War
    In 1980 Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States. And the period of détente ended. The United States developed nuclear missiles that could be launched from almost anywhere. They also developed the Strategic Defense Initiative for the use of laser weapons to shoot down Soviet missiles from space. The USSR could not afford to increase military spending