A Timeline of the French Revolution

  • King Louis XVI convenes the estates general assembly

    Government meets, forcing to convene the estates General assembly to raise taxes.
  • Disband will not occur without the Constitution

    Tennis Court Oath . Nat. Ass. resolves to not disband until the constitution is written.
  • Bastille is Stormed

    Bastille is stormed and was taken by a Paris mob. Mobs came along often due to the lack of control the Government had on the people
  • feudal rights announced

    nobles in national assembly renounce feudal rights , the jacobin club was as well formed . during this time, many rights were needed because so many were unhappy
  • deceleration of the rights issued

    the assembly issues Deceleration of the Rights of Man.
  • Versailles to Tuileries

    King Louis brought from Versailles to Tuileries palace in Paris
  • King flees

    King flees to Austria , is caught at Varennes
  • Paris mob storms royal palace

    Paris mob storms royal palace; Legislative Assembly government collapse. Minister of justice Danton kills thousands of presumed enemies of the state
  • France is a republic

    National Convention abolishes monarchy and declares France a republic
  • Day 1

    This is day one of new revolutionary calender
  • New day and month names

    Revolutionary calendar introduced with new day and month names