A Journey Through my Technology History

By CW22
  • My First Computer experience

    My First Computer experience
    It's my first year of elementary school, Kindergarten! To help us with our math skills the teacher lets us go on the computer and play number munchers and other basic games. None of us can get the program running of course - we don't understand msdos!
  • Got it!

    Got it!
    I figure out dos and how to load number munchers......what a game!
  • My first computer

    My first computer
    We get our very first personal computer. Windows 3.0! Naturally I spend most of my time on paint - specifically with the spray can doing "graffiti". My hand eye coordination with a mouse slowly develops.
  • First Printer

    First Printer
    I am the envy of the neighbourhood, I have my own dotmatrix printer. I start typing my projects and handing them in. It prints in COLOR!
  • World Book Encyclopedia

    World Book Encyclopedia
    The internet isn't the best source for knowledge and books are heavy, thank goodness I have the latest in educational software - world book encyclopedia.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Our school gets new computer complete with windows 95. I explore games such as Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego, Civilization, and the Yukon Trail, not to mention Gizmos and Gadgets.
  • The internet

    The internet
    Our school gets the internet. None of us understand it. Pages are limited. "Surfing the Web" is a term I don't really grasp.
  • The internet comes home

    The internet comes home
    After months of begging our house gets the internet. 56K! I don't know what to do with it but looking at web pages is cool. My parents are on call at the hospital so I can't be online...we have only one phone line.
  • ICQ

    I start using ICQ - my first foray in to online communication. I create a profile and start joining random chatlines on sports, video games etc. I connect with people across North America
  • Photoshop

    I start using photoshop - the first complicated computer program I "learn" through trial and error and online tutorials. I start combining animals - a lesson plan I used to use to teach tech. to grade 6's in a cross curricular approach.
  • MSN Messenger

    MSN Messenger
    I start using MSN messenger - it is far superior to ICQ. You can include emoticons!
  • Napster

    Friends tell me about Napster. My parents won't let me download.
  • Diablo II

    Diablo II
    I start playing diablo II online - my first online game. It is neat to add people to your friends list and communicate while gaming.
  • Programming

    I take the only tech course offered in my small town high school - programming with Q-Basic. This leads to me exploring other basic programming languages years later and teaches me the logic today's programs use.
  • Tech Camp

    Tech Camp
    I start teaching technology camp at U of M summer camps. I learn Anim8or (a 3d modelling program I still teach to kids), and I use basic website builders to help students build their first websites.
  • Apple begins world domination

    Apple begins world domination
    I buy my first Ipod shuffle. Music will never be the same for me.
  • Imovie - Macs

    Imovie - Macs
    I make my first foray in to the world of mac computing. Looking for something new to teach in summer camps I start learning I movie so I can teach students to use it to edit films we make. It continues to be my go to choice whether it is live movies or stop motion.
  • Youtube

    I start finding videos on youtube - favorites include sport highlight packages and funny commercials. In rez we start to gather around and share cool youtube videos we find.
  • Twitter

    I hear about twitter for the first time and check it out. I don't understand it and I begin to be turned off by certain aspects of facebook and similar social media types. Vain posting and pushing of opinions distances me from the techs.....not to mention a lack of a smartphone.
  • Facebook

    I make my first facebook account to post pictures while I am on my first big trip abroad - the U of M ed. teaching course in Thailand. I post pictures, add friends, and start to communicate that way.
  • Skype

    Leaving to England for a year to teach I download and instal Skype on my parents computer and my own. We learn to use it so we can have video chats throughout the year.
  • Smart Phone

    Smart Phone
    I begin teaching in Winnipeg. I am advised to get a smartphone so I can text and keep up with friends more easily, not to mention work. I begin to be a bad texter. I hate being accessible 24/7.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    I get my first cell phone in England so my teammates can text me when to pick me up for rugby practice. I still prefer calling - it is more personal.
  • Iphone 5

    Iphone 5
    I get an Iphone 5 so I can communicate with people more effectively. I use the internet to keep track of sports scores and movie times and the odd youtube video. Still not a social media person.
  • 2014 and beyond

    I still don't enjoy social media. I don't like to share personal information and I appreciate face to face communication or at least voice.